The Viker Kaare River Geographic Location in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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The Viker Kaare River

"The flora here is truly unique and special. Although exactly what causes the vibrant colors is still uncertain. It would take a lifetime to study them all and figure out what is causing it. This would certainly be a great challenge. I may just have to relocate here after all."
— Salvia Maior, foremost expert on plants species
      The Viker Kaare River is an important watershed area for the free cities of Arcana and Cicindela and the surrounding lands. It supplies these locations with an abundant source of freshwater, food, and resources all year long. The river begins in the colorful Rainbow Mountains in the north and disappears somewhere in the strange Zarici Forest in the south. While the river is vital to life in the area and holds many interesting species of plants and animals, the neighboring lands are fraught with an equal number of mysteries and dangers.


The Viker Kaare is a medium sized, cool river system that flows in a generally southward direction. The whole area has been tilted to the south during the Binding, forming new waterways, drying up old ones, and changing the very landscape itself. Maps of this area are understandably unreliable and need constant updates. Latest reports have the river running about 300 feet across at its widest and 40 feet down at its deepest. This river is the major source of water for most of the areas wildlife.   The headwaters begin in the north as small streams and tributaries join together flowing out of the vibrant Rainbow Mountains. They are so named due to the multitude of colors covering their slopes. Once forested in Black Pine, a great fire incinerated the treed mountains, melting the Luxite minerals out of the Lumenite rocks and causing the glowing liquids to spill down the mountain sides. When the fires finally died out, the Lumenol hardened, painting the mountains in a rainbow of colors.   Below the mountains the river flows through the new growth of the Blacknut Forest, which was also a casualty of the northern inferno. Several streams and tributaries flow out of the Headglow Hills, joining the river on its southern journey. The Headglows are named for their glowing tops, which have been scoured smooth by some ancient force. This force incidentally polished the Lumenite causing the exposed rocky tops to softly glow. It is believed that the glowing sediments from both the mountains and hills are responsible for the strange and unusual plants, animals, and occurrences surrounding the river.   Beyond the hills, the waters pass by the magic city of Arcana. Here the river begins to deposit some its glowing mineral sediments on the shoreline. The glowing shore is said to give some protection from the creatures in the Western Wild Woods and the Razor Moss Swamp that runs up to the eastern shore. The drying, crystalized moss is both sharp and brittle but will quickly wear away any good pair of boots that dares to traverse its boundaries.   The Western Wild Woods flanks the rivers western shore all the way down to the falls in the south, but the eastern shoreline bends and passes by the Vineyard Plain, formerly known as the Tangle Plain before it was cleared and converted into farmland for the affluent city of Cicindela.   Below the city, the river is again surrounded by a Western Wild Woods and now also the Eastern Wild Woods on its eastern flank. From here the river valley continuously narrows and funnels the waters into the boulder filled Redmark Rapids. The largest boulder here has a huge streak of red mineral cutting through its rounded surface giving the rapids their red mark name. Legends say that this is where Rory Shams tried to navigate his way through the rapids but was smashed to death on the boulder, never to be seen again, and that the red mark is actually his blood stain.   Beyond the rapids the waters deepen in a large pool of unknown depth before roaring over the Fossen Falls. Beyond the falls the river meanders its way through the enigmatic and alien looking, bioluminescent Zaricic Forest. Where it goes from there is anyone’s guess. Many say that it just spreads out thin and evaporates, while some contend that the whole thing is just absorbed by all of the thick plant life there. Others speculate that it enters a vast cave network and drops into the subsurface world or that it enters a portal into the faerie lands.   As for now its final destination is unknown, as only the bravest or most foolish ever enter the Zarici Forest. Those that come back to tell the tale claim to have only gone in a few dozen feet during the day and no one goes in at night, or at least no one comes out during the night.


This medium sized water way and its small tributaries act as the major source of water for the surrounding flora and fauna of the area.  Nearly all of the wilderness inhabitants gain sustenance and nourishment from the river itself or from the countless plants and animals that live in and around it.  Shortly after the Sundering and Binding, recent introductions of rock and mineral sediments from the Rainbow Mountains and Headglow Hills has slowly been changing many of the plant and animals of the region.  So far only minor changes have been observed with the vast majority of the river plants and animals acquiring very vibrant colors.

Localized Phenomena

Locals are quite wary of the Aether Mist.  During the cooler evenings, particularly in the spring and autumn, one will quite often observe the hazy grey mists and fog forming above the flowing waters. From here it covers the faintly glowing shorelines and rolls inland through the shady forests, open farmlands, and rolling hills, obscuring many of the plant and animal inhabitants. Senses are easily confused and quick movements and rustling sounds are reported to be just at the edge of perception. Strange colored flashes in the fog give warning to stay on the paths and travel in groups, for those who become lost in the mists are rarely heard from again.

Fauna & Flora

The Viker Kaare has all of the typical river and woodland plants and animals that are common to an area that is bordered by coniferous and deciduous forests of a moderate climate at a northern latitude. Its great length allows for a wide range of plants, fish, mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and invertebrates to inhabit this fertile region. However there does seem to be an unusual amount of rare species found here as well. Many speculate that this may be due to the strange rock and mineral sediments that are washed down from the Rainbow Mountains and the Headglow Hills. These sediments are transported downstream where they are thought to be deposited in the bends of the river and then absorbed by plants and enter into the food web.   Some of the more unusual or rare species that live here are newly classified as "Vibrant Fauna and Flora" and are as follows:     Plants   Rainbow Willow, Sun Willow, Moon Willow, River Willow, Elderberry, Narcoberry, Spiritberry, Snowberry, Blood Birch, Black Heart Vine, Blood Trillium, Red Anthurium, Black Batflower, Blue Bella, Red Dwale, Violet Nightshade, Blue Mandrake, Blackroot, Flame Lily, and Ice Lotus among others.     Fish   Blood Minnow, Zebra Dace, Silver Chub, Golden Carp, Prismatic Trout, Greenglow Walleye, Purple Eel, and Blueglow Catfish.     Insects   Chromatic Dragonflies, Rainbow Caddis, Flame Ants, and Sparker Wasps.     Amphibians   Topaz Toad, Green Lilyhopper, Emerald Efts, and Ruby Salamander.     Reptiles   Iridescent Boat Snake, Smoky Mud Turtle, and Fire Shell Slider.     Mammals   Ivory Otter and Silvercoat Muskrat.     Birds   Indigo Kingfisher, Emerald Heron, Silver Javelin, and Icy Egret.     Invertebrates   Red, Blue, and Albino Crayfish, Crystal Colored Shrimp, and the infamous Red-Striped Leech.     Humanoids   Nearly every type of humanoid is said to have been encountered here but whether these are just occasional travelers through the area or are more permanent residents of the wilds is still unknown.     Rumored Organisms   Although the surrounding lands are better known for their numerous dangers, the river has at least two rare creatures that travelers should be wary of. Eyewitness reports from survivors are sporadic and often filled with inconsistencies, however occasional victim remains attributed to the creatures do turn up from time to time.   Very little is known about the Haze Stalker, who is rumored to hunt large prey in the cool evening mists. Rare corpses are often covered in large cuts, slashes, and tears as if from enormous claws and teeth. Horses, oxen, deer, bear, and humanoids seem to be the favored prey. Reports of this creature hesitantly state that the witnesses seem to be surrounded by an eerie silence in the mists and glimpse only faint flashes of large movement out of the corner of their eyes.   Even less is known about the unnamed creature below the Redmark Rapids, who is said to pull any swimming creature into the watery depths to be devoured. Only a “Claking” sound can be heard just before and after an attack happens. No corpses have ever been recovered here and the latest witness has begun referring to this mystery creature as the “Clacker”.

Natural Resources

The river and the surrounding forests, swamps, and grasslands offer a tremendous supply of various resources if one is brave enough to explore away from the relative safety of the glowing shores of the river. Typical river and forest lumber, animal pelts, hides, meats, and spell ingredients, as well as a wide variety of fish and shoreline plants are readily found here.   Several of the new "Vibrant" species had begun to decline due to unregulation and overharvesting. Fortunately new laws, guidelines, permitting requirements, and the Haze Stalker have allowed for these newer species to thrive once again.   The most sought after resources are currently the Prismatic Trout, Blueglow Catfish, the Crystal Colored Shrimp, and the Red, Blue, and Albino Crayfish. Many sorcerers and wizards believe that by eating these “Vibrant” fish that their spells take on a much more colorful and impressive appearance. The shrimp and crayfish shells are condensed and used to make bold, rich colored writing and tattoo ink.   In spite of the new laws or perhaps because of them, a new black market has opened up for the Ivory Otter, Silvercoat Muskrat, and Fire Shell Slider. The otter and muskrat fur is highly sought after by the rich and unscrupulous and the slider shell has a curios ability to hold a permanent fire spell when place upon it.


Permits can be obtained in the Free City of Arcana or the Free City of Cicindela.   Some of those more unusual or rare species that are frequently collected without need of a permit are any insects, invertebrates, and plant berries or leaves. Plant branches and stems cannot be collected due to the permanent destruction it would cause to the plant.   Permits can be obtained for fishing of Golden Carp, Prismatic Trout, Greenglow Walleye, Purple Eel, and Blueglow Catfish. Harvesting the Iridescent Boat Snake can also be allowed with a valid permit.   It is illegal to possess or harvest any amphibian, mammal, bird, or reptile unless otherwise stated.


People generally do not come to this river in order to sight see or for entertainment.  Those who are found here are most likely fishing or using the waters as a means of transportation down stream.  A few researchers, alchemists, and wizards occasionally travel to the area in order to investigate the unusual waters and the plants and animals that it holds as well.
Inhabiting Species
Notable Nearby Locations:  
  • The Rainbow Mountains
  • The Blacknut Forest
  • The Headglow Hills
  • The Free City Of Arcana
  • The Western Wild Woods
  • The Razor Moss Swamp
  • The Vineyard Plain (formerly the Tangle Plains)
  • The Free City Of Cicindela
  • The Eastern Wild Woods
  • The Redmark Rapids
  • The Fossen Falls
  • The Zarici Forest
"It’s easy to see what’s similar between this place and others, but it’s what’s different here that is affecting the plants and animals. One must consider the uniqueness of the Rainbow Mountains as the key to understanding the unusual life here. More study on its Luxite is required."
— Gabbra Stonesight, foremost expert on geology
“How far does it go, did anyone try to go around? I’m not sure, and yes. They say that Adal Faerwald, the famous explorer, once tried to circumnavigate the southern edge of the Zarici but was stopped by the Greyshock Mountains that seem to butt up against the strange forest. Earthquakes, avalanches, rockslides, and blue lightning drove his team back. He vowed to return one day but was never able to secure funding for the expedition. As remote as this area is, I doubt anyone ever will.”
— Bilim Adami, foremost expert on geography
"He went into the mists to slay the creature and just never came out. No signs of him. No blood, no tracks, just gone. I mean this was Truuk Hader, he slew the Tyrion Beast and the Greery Monster."
— Keno, member of the Gilded Trackers


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May 28, 2022 14:46

Pretty cool fauna and flora with those vibrant colors I can understand why a black market has popped up over them. The mountains sound like a beautiful thing to see. The forest at the end less so :p I was wondering though how big it is? Has no one ever managed to go around the forest and see if the river still runs beyond it?

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 28, 2022 18:04

Thanks. No one has survived the dangers of the forest yet or at least lived and bragged about it. Someone did try to go around once but was stopped by the dangerous mountains below it. Due to its remote and dangerous nature the forest and lower part of the river remain much of a mystery to this day. There are no reports of the river bypassing the mountains.

May 31, 2022 16:56 by Tara Fae Belle

Nice work :) I like the many flora and fauna, as well as the rapids.

My current passion is Shroom People. I still don't know much about them yet. But as I do, it will be updated here:
Shroom People
Species | Apr 17, 2024
~ Happy wording!
Jun 1, 2022 02:20

Thank you very much.

Jun 3, 2022 20:58 by Michael Chandra

I'm not saying "burn the forest down", but they really oughta burn it down.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Jun 6, 2022 04:28

That might be a good idea in the long run.