The Message At The Pillar Of Determination Document in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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The Message At The Pillar Of Determination


The purpose of this speech was to unify and prepare the various peoples for a fight against a seemingly invincible force, which held  in the balance their very right to existence.

Document Structure

Publication Status

Many libraries and museums throughout the world have copies of this famous inscription on display.  However, what is considered to be the first copy has been carved into stone and placed next to the actual pillar from where the original speech had been given. Legends refer to a novice scribe who hastily copied down the speech, and later after the war, inscribed it into a boulder next to the pillar.

Historical Details


This speech marks the turning point in a world war against a terrifying and overwhelming force.  It rallied and united various people, races, and ethnicities and led them to a final victory.


This speech was given at the final rally point in a long standing war against the races and peoples of the world.  The people were divided and things were going quite badly for the worlds inhabitants.  It is unknown who exactly gave the speech or when, with many races taking credit for it today.  However, all agree that it was extremely important and came at a critical point in the war.  Few records remain from that time, but fortunately this speech survived all of the destruction and chaos.

Public Reaction

Legends say that all people who heard the speech became uplifted as never before or since, and were unified as one.  They held a newfound, empowering belief and invincible spirit that shone through them with a golden glow that carried them to victory.


Even now, many leaders try to emulated and reference the speech during great hardships or times of war.  Often the people will either credit or condemn the outcomes based on how well their leaders gave their own speeches or rallying cries.
Authoring Date
This ancient date has been lost to time.
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