The Celsium Sphere Item in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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The Celsium Sphere

The Celsium Sphere is rumored to be an ancient spherical orb of immense magical power. It is rumored to have been created in the southern empires to be used against an incredible adversary. Who or what this adversary is, seems to have been deliberately left out of the history books. The sphere itself was used to create an incredible amount of cold to defeat this enemy. However the sphere was not able to be turned off and continued to create cold and expanded it across the lands. The area was blanketed in ice and snow and changed the landscape forever. Inadvertently the Celsium Sphere was lost in this new frozen landscape and is said to continue to produce cold year after year, even to this day. These new icy lands are now known as the Winter Lands.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Although speculation runs rampant, no one knows how this fabled artifact is supposed to work.  They don't even really know what types of magic were used in its creation.  About half of the people believe it was created with cold or ice magic by some sort of Fro’ Igi and the other half claim that it had to be made with heat or fire magic by a Fira’ Gi.  If one could discover the type of magic then perhaps the creator's name could be discovered as well or perhaps by knowing the type of magic used in its creation then its architects name could finally be known.

Manufacturing process

The manufacturing process for this ancient artifact still remains a great mystery that is even more difficult to determine without actual access to the sphere. So far no one has been able to find it in the frozen expanse.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder
This is a unique one of kind artifact whose construction process has never been known.
Raw materials & Components
All information related to the construction of this disastrous device has been lost to time.


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