Treaty of Nale Document in Distorted Lands Redux | World Anvil

Treaty of Nale

Peace must come at the cost of change.
Nirne Holza

After the War of Misunderstanding it became clear to Nirne Holza, Duke of Nale, that the Xalnan government would not recover. In order to ensure that Nale, the settlement under his care, would continue to exist without strife he started negotiations with the Ven'Ir to integrate the settlement into their care.

The Treaty of Nale outlines the way this was supposed to happen. It outlined that Nirne would stay in power during the transition and would get a permanent seat at the local Ven'Ir council that would be put in place. Furthermore, it stipulated that transfer of power should be done in increments over ten years.

During this timeperiod trade and travel would be opened up, law enforcement and enactment be reorganized to the Ven'Ir standard, but most importantly there would be encouragements to exchange cultural ideas in order to ease the settlement into a new way of life and to give the Venira time to learn about the cultural differences and for both parties to learn the others language.

Once the terms were clear all of it was embroided on metalspinner silk in order to ensure that it would last a long time.

Document Structure

Legal status

While Xalna did not approve the treaty, it was impossible for them to enforce any other position, making it purely a treaty between the Ven'Ir and the governence of Nale, which acted de facto independantly of Xalna.

Once the treaty had fullfilled its function it was stricken from the law books, 15 years after its creation.

Historical Details


The treaty of Nale is considered one of the most important Xalna-Ven'Ir diplomatic documents, since it was used as a base for almost all future negotiations with former Xalnan settlements when they were assimilated into Ven'Ir governance.

The main focus on negotiation in those cases was the timespan, which was learned to be too short at ten years.

Treaty, Diplomatic


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