The Great White Plains & The 4 Southern Watches Geographic Location in Dioya | World Anvil
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The Great White Plains & The 4 Southern Watches


    The Clansplains are the southernmost continent of the Plane of Dioya. While they are known for their heat, humidity, and abundance of life in the thick forests and lush grasslands of their north, their south is much, much different place. It is unexplained how the region known as The Great White Plains came to be, but it is colder and more brutal than any other place in Dioya. Making up almost half of The Clansplains, The Great White Plains is as far south as south goes on the plane of Dioya, with daily temperatures reaching an average of -15 degrees fereheit. Few plants and fewer animals live in The Great White Plains, making it an isolated, desolate space with few points of interest, save for The 4 Watches, temple settlements filled with worshippers of BiDivine Primal Gods.   The mystery of The Great White Plains is a legend as old as Dioya itself. Why it's in the state it is in is only for the Bidivine and potentially, the oldest of Deva to know as the region has been uninhabitable since even before the Era of Establishment. The origins of The 4 Watches are unknown as well, with each being architecturally and functionally so different, they are assumed to have been built by the BiDivine gods who are worshipped there themselves.     The Great White Plains are home to four small civilizations that consist entirely of devout Monks, Paladins, Druids, and Clerics respectively. Fae’s Watch, Barthos’ Watch, Dresdar’s Watch, and Aartrops’ Watch stand defiant to The White Plains and their harshness thanks to some of the most powerful magic known in Dioya.       FAE’S WATCH: Home to worshippers of the Bidivine Primal God of Fire, those who live in Fae’s Watch protect themselves from the bitter cold of The Great White Plains and worship their lord at the same time with rigorous firey practices. Monks of Fae, mostly Genasi, Tiefling, Orc, Goblin, and Elf practice a very specific form of Ki channeling called “Exertion Training” in which they turn their body temperatures up so high by controlling blood flow, that they radiate heat and can even channel it into magic like blasts of energy. Exertion Monks make up the majority of those who live in Fae’s Watch, but Holy Fire wielding Clerics and Paladins of the Sun can also be found living here. Fae’s Watch is also known as The Golden Temple, with the entire exterior and infrastructure of the Temple being made out of a gold metal. This Gold metal conducts quite a large amount of heat, increasing the all-around temperature of the area as its inhabitants get hotter. The sheer amount of heat that passively radiates from Fae’s Watch creates a natural and slightly magical barrier that surrounds the area and protects it.           BARTHOS’ WATCH: The Bidivine Primal God of Water’s key temple is mostly home to Triton, Genasi, Human, Halfling, Tiefling, Elven, and Tortle Clerics, Druids, and Monks. Ancient Tortle druids made Barthos’ Watch their home and flooded the surrounding area in freshwater that was blessed by clerics to prevent any cold from passing the water. Though the water surrounding Barthos’ Watch is both pure and blessed, it is just as cold as if it was frozen, killing any creature who falls in it within seconds. The intensely cold water is used to purify new members of the community and in order to properly become a member of Barthos’ Watch, one must survive a full minute in the waters. Because of this brutal initiation rite, Barthos’ Watch only has a couple hundred inhabitants, many who suffer from sicknesses derived from their test.     DRESDAR’S WATCH: Within one of the few mountains located in the southernmost parts of The Great White Plains, exists a large interconnected tunnel system carved in the base of a mountain dedicated to the Primal Bidivine God of Air. Ironically, Dresdar’s Watch was built to keep its inhabitants out of the cold southern winds. The Genasi, Aaracokra, Human, Dwarf, Aasimar, Hobgoblin, and Orc who live in Dresdar’s Watch pride themselves on their resilience and often times never settle for one type of occupation, with Druids becoming Paladins, Clerics becoming Chanting Bards, and more. Worshippers of Dresdar go hunting in the north Great White Plains for Mammoths who they kill and bring back to supply the watch with food and clothing that they can use to stave off the brutal cold.       AARTROPS’ WATCH: There are tales of a forest in The Great White Plains. A forest around a mile in size that contains every known plant to have ever grown in any plane in existence. This place is known as Aartrops’ Watch and was said to have been the home to Genasi, Goliath, and Firbolg worshippers of Aartrops, Primal Bidivine god of Nature. Aartrops’ Watch is empty of inhabitants as of the Era of Change. It still stands, lush and fertile with nature, but its very existence is a perplexing and maddeningly unique thing.        


    After The Great Disturbance, The Great White Planes were shifted around the newly formed Dioya, with most of the territory gradually adopting the terrain of the climate it was shifted to. In the northernmost area of the newly formed plain, climate just like the previously southern. Great White Plains started to take form, many considered this to be the second coming of The Great White Plains and the area was renamed to be such.


The Great White Plains is almost totally flat, with no trees nor landmarks for travelers to orient themselves with. The gateway to The Great White Plains are the southern mountains of The Clansplains, tall and almost wall-like; protecting the rest of Dioya from the frigid horrors below.

Fauna & Flora

The Great White Plains are home to creatures who thrive off of the bitter cold such as Frost Giants, Ice Mephits, Remorhaz, who make their home in the coldest, most southern locations of the region. Closer to the mountainous boarder between most of The Clansplains and the Great White Plains are warm blooded animals like Yeti, White Wolves, Mammoths and Polar Bears. It is theorized that the last great Frost Dragon colony lives in The Great White Plains thanks to its inhospitibility.
Alternative Name(s)
The Final Continent
Location under

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