Yenaria Region History in Didome | World Anvil

Yenaria Region History

Day 0-649: The age of Blackness

  The Age of Blackness refers to the lack of concrete information scholars have about the time period. The myths and legends of Barsaminism and Gran Saminism describe a time when The First Descendants came from the heavens and settled the city of Promethus a mystical city that could provide the first decedents with every they could ever need. However in the myth The Fall of Barsamin, the jealous spirit Herms and the demigod Lok crash the heavenly palace of barsamin into Promethus utterly destroying the city and leaving giant Crater in its place.   The myths of The First Descendants describe the almost magical abilities the descendants and their city possed. Myths describe how some of the buildings could fly through the air or crawl along the ground. One myth describes how decedents used portable windows that allowed one to look across any distance by manipulating the spiritual spectrum. Almost even more fantastically, the myths claim that the dependents knew how to create these wondrous devices.   Unfortunately with the destruction of Promethus, only the most relevant knowledge survived. Any construction techniques immediately applicable to survival was passed downs; Cermanics, basic metallurgy, agriculture, all were passed down. Again any abstract knowledge that did not provide a survival advantage was lost or turned into fantastical myths; engineering and mathematical concepts, basic biology including evolution and germ theory, all remained known to a greater or lesser extent. Any more advanced technologies must clearly be the tall tales of the early survivors.

Day 650-1769: The Establishment of the Nil Yeni Settlements

  Little recorded history remains from this time. What scholars do agree upon are three basic tenets. First, the population remained small; scholars estimate the population to be anywhere from 3-5 million people. 2nd, the people used the lakes and rivers as a means of travel and communication. This allowed the small population to cover a large are around the Tresbort Lakes and surrounding navigable rivers. Third, due to the easy lake travel the survivors developed a shared culture scholars call the Nil Yeni based on the two ancient cities, Nil and Yeni, founding during this time.   The Nil Yeni developed a culture focused around the survival of the community, called a Village Himoth. Concepts of individual familiar relationships and knowing ones biological parents were foreign to them. Children were raised communally and ones efforts were devoted to ensuring everyone in the Village Himoth prospered. The society was matriarchal with women being seen as wise and intelligent leaders. In fact the leader of a village was elected to the position of Himoth from the most capable women of the village. Men on the other hand were seen as necessary to do the dangerous and hard jobs of survival but not to be trusted with leading the village.   Since the survival of the village mattered most, Nil Yeni romantic and sexual relationships were fluid non binding. Relationships would form and people would grow together or relationships would end and dissolve as people drifted apart. While the Nil Yeni were fairly open with their relationships, it was seen as very incestuous to have a sexual relationship with someone born in the same village. Thus in order to ensure no incestuous relationships could flourish, males would spend their teen years in another village often deciding to join the village. This practice of trading teenage males between villages was know as The Unification Ceremony and created a complex web of relationships between the villages.

Day 1770-2200: The Barsamic Cities

  As the population continued to grow, the next major event in Greater Yenaria was the formation of the Barsaminic faith from the scattered and fractured beliefs of the Old Heavanic Pantheon. The religious text the Great Nossic details the life of the prophet Da harka Darmin and how made a pilgrimage to the city of Nil and spoke to the great spirit Barsamin and through her conversation she discovered the true hierarchy of the world. The text then describes how she kept traveling and preaching about her great revelations. In her final days she founded the Barsama Star Temple in the center of the giant Promethean Crater. Even after her death the following priestesses use the temple to continue spreading the word of Barsaminism.

Day 2201-2500: The Age of Exploration

  By 2200 the Nil Yeni had settled the lands surrounding Tresbort Lakes all the way down to the Vorden Mountians on the coast of the ocean. The river valleys and lake shorelines were bustling with Nil Yeni Village Himoths. Yet very few Nil Yeni started settling away from the navigable rivers and lakes. Instead the next wave of settlements would be on the coast surrounding the Sea of Lok and teh Cradcresse Islands. This expansion was facilitated by the development of an ocean worthy boat.   While the Nil Yeni initially settled the narrow coast line between the Vorden Mountians and Herm's Sea, the isolated fishing villages quickly devloped their own distinct culture. The Old Delarian culture, as scholars call it, was based around a deep reverance toward and understanding of the dangers of the seas. The Old Delarians quiclky modified the small single hulled Nil Yeni Knucklereeder boat to larger double hulled catamarans stable enough to surive the massive waves of the oceans. The new ship building techniques allowed the Old Delarians and eventually the Nil Yeni to explore and settle the mid oceanic islands.

Day 2501-2753: The Brybort Wars

  With the ever increasing population of Greater Yenaria the opportunities for conflict only intensified. While tales of the Nil Yeni settlements before the wars tell of rivalries, alliances, catastrophes, no large scale regional conflicts were told. The Brybort wars are the first wars involing much of the Greater Yenaria region. The 1st and 2nd Brybort wars focused on Yeni's and Rel's]'(settlement:13f50e00-3d93-4c8f-8d67-293230b57a33) rise to dominance as regional powers. In the @[3rd and 4th Brybort wars the two cities competed over dominance of the region. At the end of the 4th war, Yeni had burned Rel to the ground and now controlled, Delnari, the new trade city of Delfi, and almost all of the smaller cities and villages, leaving them in sol control of Greater Yenaria and the surrounding islands.

Day 2754-2997: The Early Yenari Empire

  While the end of the 4th Brybort War left Yeni i complete control of the Greater Yenaria region. Scholars mark the start of the Early Yenari Empire on the day 2760. Darmsel Darmin was returning from a holy expedition from to Yenishar Coast where she founded the holy city of Nali next to the rock columns she named the Pillars of Barsamin. On her return she found her mother the Himoth leader of Yeni was assassinated and Darmsel's sister were starting a civil war over control of Yeni's territories. Darmsel Darmin quickly convinced the Gran Min of Barsaminism to name her Empero, a title Darmsel created to give her control over the politics of Yeni and the Barsamic faith. With the backing of the church the Civil ar quickly came to an end leaving Darmsel Darmin in charge of the newly formed empire.   With the establishment of the Early Yenari Empire, Darmsel Darmin changed the social structure of the Nil Yeni cities. Scholars mark the start of the Old Yenarian culture with the start of the Early Yenari Empire. Darmsel Darmin believed her blood was mystical and belived she could pass down her blood to her offspring. With the new Empero obsessed with blood relations and not the survival of the Himoth Darmin most Nil Yeni women did the same. Additionally, Darmsel replaced the Village Himoth system with the Himark system. This changed the Village Himoth into mainly an organization for enforcing loyalty to the empire and less about the survival of the community. These cultural changes allowed the empire to flourish for several hundred days.   The last Empero Hraven Darmin was the first male Empero and led the empire into civil war. In 2947 he led the navy and army to suppress a new growing rebellion on the island of Shadcress. Hravens brutal suppression of the rebellion and constant paranoia led to the navy to mutiny and defect to the rebels, resulting in the death of the Empero. When news of Hraven's death reached Yeni Hraven's heir ,Da Harka the 2nd a toddler only a few days old, disappeared and was presumed murdered. This started the massive civil war of the Five Emperos. This war torn the empire apart and allowed the rebels on Shadcress to gain independence and establish the new Jharette faith.

Day 2998-3763: The Middle Yenari Empire

  The War of the five Emperos ended when Tomish Sharven, a powerful general in the war, created a power sharing arangment with one Empero. If the Empero would be in charge of the Barsaminic faith and Tomish would become the Gran Guide overseeing the empire. With their combined power they ended the civil war and created the Middle Yenari Empire and empire that would see hundreds of days of stability.   The one exception the the Middle Yenari Empires long period of stability was the The 1st Navel war. The city of Delnari susseded from the empire with support of the The United Ire on the island of Shadcress. The brutal war resulted in the The Strepslim Accord which let Delnari join the The United Ire and monopolize all the trade on the lower Strepslim. The The Strepslim Accord meant that the Middle Yenari Empire could not maintain contact with the Cradcresse Islands and theYenishar Territories. Thus those area suddenly gained independence. Despite the loss of its island and coastal territories the Middle Yenari Empire resumed its long period of stability focusing on its core territories around the Tresbort Lakes.

Day 3764-3863: The Delfic alliance and the Yenari Empire

  The Middle Yenari Empire came to end during the The Marble Wars. Initially during the war, the Empire captured Delnari allowing them access to the oceans again. However, the Middle Yenari Empire was completely surprised when Kallis Ternvic and the Tern Bass invaded Yenari. The Middle Yenari Empire regarded the Tern Bas as nothing more than harmless wandering nomads. However, a few hundred days ago they had domesticated the wild Dreck. The increased mobility that the Dreck gave the Tern Bas along with their unification under a strong leader, created an unstoppable force that completely surprised the Middle Yenari Empire.     The Tern Bas took over most of the central empire. They made Delnari a free city, free to conduct its trade and its own affairs yet still technically part of the new Yenari Empire. The northern part of the empire initially declared independence and supported the Tern Bass invasion yet when the Tern Bas brutality became clear, the northern cities formed the United Delfic Alliance in opposition to the Tern Bas controlled Early Yenari Empire.     While the Tern Bas were successful in capturing much of the Middle Yenari Empire, the Barsaminic priests were distraught that their holy city of Nil was occupied by priestesses preaching a false form of Barsaminism. Kallis Ternvic converted to barsaminism and invited the Barsamin Empero back to Nil. Unfortunatley the Barsamin Empero died on the trip to Nil. This enraged Nali and caused them to ally with United Delfic Alliance and call for two crusades against the Yenari Empire. The Yeni Crusade completely failed to achieve anything. Several days later the Nill Crusade successfully captured Nil and exile the false Barsamin Empero Deemor Darmin. Nali might have liberated the whole Yenari Empire if Neerse Vimtoric and the Tern Bas had not attacked the empire.  

Day 3864-4416: The conflicts of The United Delfic States and The Yenari Empire

  Recently declared the First Father , by the exiled first and only Granbarsamin Empero Deemor Darmin, Neerse Vimtoric attacks the Yenari Empire. He quickly takes over the empire, liberates Nil. The Fertile Shar remains independent for several days longer. Eventually, the nation of Vordenlan captures Delnari and this allows Neerse to retake much of the fertile shar. After the invasion over the next several hundred days, the Gran Barsaminism religion spreads through the whole empire.   The empire is plunged into chaos when Keraak Stuk "the userper" illegitimately declaers himself the 4th Father of the Yenari Empire. In the resulting turmoil, the United Delfic States attack the empire and take Nil back for 70 days and reclaim much of the Fertile Shar. During this war the city of Delnari also declares Independence and forms the The Delnari Coalition .   After the Nil was captured by the United Delfic States the period called the War of 200 days started. In reality the war was a series of small conflicts where neither side could gain an advantage. The most notable feature of the war was the increasing use of advanced military technology. Over the course of the war merchants like the Lak Traygers started trading with the Sol Cid Ire empire on the dark side of Didome, and the Gonnes and Kannons started being introduced to the rest of the nations of Didome. In 4344 using massive Kannons the Yenari Empire overwhelmed the defenses of Delfi and captured the city. This action brought an end to the 10 score war and paused the hostilies between the two nations, as United Delfic States lost their capital an access to Lake Resbort and the Yenari Empire lost the ability to confront the Delfic states by land.  

Day 4417-4517: The recent history of the last 100 days

  While their was a 80 day pause between the United Delfic States and the Yenari Empire. Hostilities resumed during the Delfic League War when the United Delfic States attacked to take back the city of Delfi. While initially successful they defeated and their new capital of Delian was burned to the ground. Before the United Delfic States were completly crushed, the Tern Bas attack the Yenari Empire.   Over the past few hundred days, the Tern Bas had lost much of thier standing in the empire as the gonne and kannon replaced the mighty Tern Bas astride a giant Dreck. This had let them feeling disconnected from the empire. This current attack was the Tern Bas' attempt to reclaim the empire. Unfortunately the Empire was able to utterly and mercilessly crush the Tern Bas. Eventually, they recaptured the holy city of Durbarrak.   In the past forty days three major trends have been shaping the Greater Yenaria area. First, following the Tern Bas revolts, the empire revoked the Tern Bas' scared claim to the plains of the upper Strepslim. This has allowed waves of desperate Yenarian settlers to flood into the upper strepslim valley. Aditionally, rumors circulate amoung the Yenarian settlers that the Slim Bas joined forces with the remaining Tern Bas and are preparing to sweep down upon the Yenari Empire again. Some claim that they call themselves the Bassols. Second, many popular movements and revolts have happened supported by the common people. For example, the commoners ofDelian overthrew the ruling aristocrats and have created Nos Delian a government organized and run by the commoners. Third the Yenari Empire has become financially exhausted as it attempts to control Delfi and occupy the nation of Sharlan.

Articles under Yenaria Region History

Cover image: by Cory Brooke-deBock


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