Slipnor's Enforcers Organization in Didome | World Anvil

Slipnor's Enforcers

slipnor's Rock on the Strepslim river is a natural protursion of compacted shale, more weather resistant than the surrounding rocks. Erroded by the strepslim it forms a 200ft sheer cliff dropping into the tidal mud flats of the river. Thus it constrains the Strepslim river and flood plains to an 8 mile wide section. Due to this when the strepslim drains after high tide, this area forms an extermly treacherous fast moving section of river. Also from the vantage point of Slipnor's rock, the surrounding 20 miles of river can be easily seen. Becuase of this the city of Delnari established the Slipnor's Toll. A small fleet of river craft the patrol and inspect all the river craft that pass by the rock. This is a major way that the City has made its income over the years.   Slipnor's Toll was first founded in 3521 F.E. when the Jharette captured the city of Delnari. Now instead of being an imperial city where cargo from smaller lake and river craft was sold and loaded onto larger ocean going vessels, it was in control of the mouth of the strepslim river a thus could influence a huge amount of trade. The Jharette in control of the city declared that any craft had to be guided by and experienced Delnari river guide. Of course the fees for these guides was astronomical. The Jharette families in control of the Delnari soon became fabulously wealth and quickly built up a monopoly on all the trade passing through the Strepslim. Delnari also quickly grew is size as many non Delnari mechents sold thier cargo to the Delnari who would ship it up the river.   The Slipnor's Enforcers were quickly created ensure that all merchant travel on the river had a proper guide on board. This crippled the trade of the Yenari people and they descended into a time of introspection and isolation.   In the 2nd navel war around 3760, the Jharette navy was destroyed and the Jharette army was left in Yenari lands. The city of Delnari was ocupuied by the Middle Yenari Empire. However, when the 1st Tern Bass Invasion of Yenari  occured the city quickly made a deal with the invaders. They changed the Toll so that instead of a guide being required a toll had to be paid at the city of Delnari for all the goods travelling on the river. This allowed the city to continue to benefit from controlling the river, but allowed more trade to flow through the river without having to create too many guides. Again the enforcers role was in search ships and ensuring the tax was paid.   In the following days Delnari has had various levels of independence from the various empires of Didome. The orignal city of Ancient Delnariwas even burned down by Neerse Vimtoric and a new Delnari was established a hundred kilometers further south on the Delnari Crescent. Yet the Slipnor's Enforceres have continued to carry out the tax of the strepslim from their base at Slipnor's rocks.

Cover image: by Cory Brooke-deBock


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