Neerse the 23th Character in Didome | World Anvil

Neerse the 23th

Gran Father

He is the current Gran Father of the Yenari Empire . He was elected in 4438 right before the Tern Bas revolt. Being 137 days old he is elderly, and even if he still appears in good health, people fear what will happen when he passes away. The Durbarrak Re Thrye are known to be sympathtic to the plight of the Tern Bas and people worry that the will refuse to nominate anyone acceptable to the Se Thrye and Ni Thrye.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Neerse is 137 days old and still seems to be in great physical health. His skin is wrinkled from the many days spent riding under the sun, but he still maintians an impressive physical stature and exudes an air of physical prowess refined by age. Many of the young women of the court whisper that age has only made him more attactive even if he is old enough to be there grandfather.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Neerse the 23rd was born under the name Vimtor Ern to a noble tern family. He was raised in the tern traditions and educated by the Thrye. He was extremly charismatic and well liked in his childhood and early adulthood. Despite rumors of his lecherousness, he portayed himself as a devot Tern working for the betterment of the Empire.   At the start of the Delfic League War he was a young officer in charge of the defense of Delfi. He made a heroic last stand and prevented the Delfic leagure from overrunning the whole city. He was then pulled off the front lines and sent on a tour of duty in the empire to rally support. At Durbarrakhe vowed the the Re Thrye that he would recapture Torm-delfi.   He was then put in charge of the seige and in 4436 recapture the city when Soomere Weth opened the gates to his army. He also comanded a portion of his army to carry boats arcoss the land to Lake Tormbort. Thus when he captured the city he was able to capture many of the Delfic laegues ships. He quickly built on this sucess and launched an invasion towards Delian. He captured the city and the whole league was crumbling, and then Neerse the 22nd died and the Thrye picked him him to become Neerse the 23rd.   This was a contentious pick and was the cause of the Tern Bas revolt. Before Neerse could crush the league he had to deal with the revolt. While he did end up beating the revolt, he was unable to crush it entirly. To this day Tosvree Bas still claims he is the rightful ruler of the Plains of Tern and the Tern Bas. He lives in the Noshar Desert and still launches gurillia raids and foments unrest in the plains.   While, Neerse's rien has been long, it has been filled with turmoil and revolt, and rumors of his lerchousness and favoritism.


Rumors have always circulated about Neerse's unstoppable sexual drive. The amount of time he spends in Delfi at the Senate of Pleasure does nothing to quell those rumors.
Neerse the 23rd by Cory Brooke-deBock
Current Location
Year of Birth
4380 F.E 137 Years old
Black with streaks of grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Highly Wrinkled Dark Ebony
6' 6"
110 kg

Cover image: Neerse the 23rd by Cory Brooke-deBock


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