Didome Physical Characteristics Physical / Metaphysical Law in Didome | World Anvil

Didome Physical Characteristics

Didome is a slightly smaller rocky planet yet very similar in composition to Earth. The mass of the planet is 29.8% the mass of Earth, and it's equatorial circumference is 31,000 km about 75% of Earth's circumference. This smaller size significantly shortens the distance to the horizon and makes seeing long distances harder due to the steep curve of the planet. Additionally, the smaller mass means Didome's surface gravity is 65% of Earths (6.44 m/s^2). So for the people living on Didome they can carry roughly 50% mass and still feel similarly encumbered. The mineral composition of the planet is similar to earth's as well, with one big difference being gold being almost as common as silver.
  The atmosphere on Didome is a breathable Earth-like atmosphere with a few significant differences. The atmosphere at sea level is 50% denser than Earths atmosphere (1.8 kg/m^3). The denser atmosphere means that lighter winds on Didome feel like stronger Earth winds, the denser air has more mass to push objects with. Generally winds on Didome feel about 20% stronger then the wind speed alone would indicate. Since structures and plants are more easily damaged by high winds, many architectural styles feature low squat buildings, evolution has also favored shorter wind resistant vegetation. Additionally, only 15% of the atmosphere is composed of oxygen. However, due to the denser atmosphere at sea level humans breath in similar quantities of oxygen. Finally, the lower gravity and denser atmosphere also means that the atmosphere remains denser as one gains elevation. At 5500 meters on Didome one might suffer similar altitude effects as someone on a 3000 meter peak on Earth.

Cover image: by Cory Brooke-deBock


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