Forlorn Geographic Location in Desolate | World Anvil
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The Forlorn is an area that spans the entirety of Desolate. It is the most dangerous place on the planet and is full of all sorts of evil humans and monsters.   The weather is unpredictable and temperatures fluctuate from scalding heat to freezing temperatures. Storms come and go. Without proper protection, traders cannot pass the Forlorn.


Barren wasteland. No vegetation or water.


Unpredictable ecosystem. Extreme caution needs to be taken when entering the Forlorn.

Ecosystem Cycles

There are no seasons in the Forlorn. This area can go through all "seasons" within a few hours.

Localized Phenomena

Almost super natural weather patterns. Behaves different than anywhere else on Desolate.

Fauna & Flora

There is no vegetation in the Forlorn.

Natural Resources



The only traffic in the Forlorn are traders moving from The Highlands to The Lowlands and visa versa.

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