Expanse Dwarf Ethnicity in Demons Drink Coffee | World Anvil

Expanse Dwarf

One wonders whether they don't want to leave or can't leave...

As the only humanoids to inhabit the Great Expanse, expanse dwarves are an even hardier and stoic brand of dwarf. Bearing the unmistakable stout frame and endurance of the race, they appear to have also developed habits that minimize the expenditure of energy and may have been born with a tendency to retain water as much as possible. Despite the difficulties of the Expanse, they have managed to maintain a small group of a few hundred clustered around the Sandy Obelisk, which they happily attribute their survival to.   Based upon interviews with expanse dwarves, the first dwarves in the Expanse wanted to cut themselves off from a civilization that was growing away from the basic needs of survival. The development of art and technology within the Kaokut Coalition spurred them to leave and found their own life. Why they chose to settle in the Expanse is unclear and so are the origins of the Obelisk itself. Nevertheless, they are considered the most hale and hardy of humanoids known in eastern Turan. The Coalition has tried several times to recruit them into their military and train recruits in the arts of survival, but have not met with success.   Oddly, expanse dwarves do express interest in the technologies and tales scholars bring with them when they visit. Some say that they would like to see the great cities of Jenganth or Giz Moranth, but will say that they cannot bring themselves to leave their home.

The Long Haul

Are you ready to test your mettle in the greatest of all challenges?! Sign up for the first ever Long Haul to bring supplies to the Obelisk and convince the expanse dwarves to return to the Coalition!   Well, I can't imagine how that will backfire. Bring a whole bunch of people to a group that wants nothing to do with you. Great idea.
Written by Sheyla Enelladalcol Aeleat

Edited by Shikya Enelladalcol Aeleat

Mindcepts by Ella Enelnasalcol Malric


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