Angel Diaz Character in Demonic Earth | World Anvil
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Angel Diaz

Protagonist; the Leader and Strategist.

Created by Liza

Angel Diaz (a.k.a. "Angela" "Seafire")

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athletic, muscular, and somewhat agile. Built to fight. Strong and reasonably fast.

Body Features

Natural tan to light brown skin. Latinx. Mesomorph 2-7-1. Great metabolism. Body shape is rectangle leaning towards downwards triangle. Long legs compared to torso. Small feet.

Facial Features

Round/square face shape. Medium size but thin nose. Attatched lobe small ears. Full, rounded eyebrows. No facial hair.

Identifying Characteristics

Nick in left eyebrow. Large scar on the outside of their left thigh. Three dark claw marks going over their right shoulder to midway down their upper arm. Small flame tattoo between shoulder blades. Standard lobe piercing on each ear.

Physical quirks

Right hand dominant. Neat cursive handwriting with no smudges and full erasing. Walks with purpose with their shoulders back, head high, and chest leading. Good posture with shoulders down and chin high or level. Stands with hands on hips or at side with feet slightly more than hip width apart. Sits up straight with legs slightly open and hands folded in lap or on table. Makes minimal gestures while talking to aid points. When fighting, prefers weapon combat and takes an agressive stance with a sword and some kicks.

Apparel & Accessories

Dark green cargo pants with lots of pockets to store weapons, tools, and anything else they want to carry around. Black combat boots with straps. You could probably call them goth boots, but they always call them combat boots. Their absolute favourite piece of clothing is a black leather jacket with an agender pride flag patch on the left arm.
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The jacket gets torn the more their morality gets greyer, then patched up when they realize their actions.
Dark red or blue loose v-neck shirt. Black stud earrings.

Specialized Equipment

Their weapon is a sword that looks similar to a broadsword. It was custom made for Angel by Ava Ibori. It has circuitry throughout the whole thing, and there are little metal plates in the handle so that when Angel holds the sword, it completes the circuit. When they land a hit on an enemy, the sword releases an electric shock to further damage opponents. Because Angel needs to hold the sword to activate the circuits, if they drop it or anything, it won't start accidentally shocking everything around them. Their armour is also designed by Ava Ibori and is plated and silvery green in colour. Any joints or bend points have black reinforced mesh to allow for movement. It has a Seafire flame over the heart.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Parents worked as teachers, mother as a science teacher, and father teaching English with martial arts on the side. They met Carson Jones through high school. Angel's father was hurt by an Atmosnake and barely survived, the Atmosnake Venom with the help of Carson Jones . This lead to Angel believing the government wasn't doing enough to protect the people, and to them working to create Project Seafire .

Gender Identity

Agender non-binary. They/them gender neutral pronouns. Doesn't bind, but does fill out their eyebrows and contours for a more masculine face. Wears a mix of men's and women's clothing.




A mix of public high school, homeschooling, and a lot of self-teaching. Their father taught them martial arts and weapons use.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Their biggest achievement was the creation of Project Seafire . Their first slayed demon and first rescued civilian were some of their other big moments.

Failures & Embarrassments

They failed to protect their father from demons. They lost a lot of fights when they were in high school and were teased a lot. They weren't able to stop people from bullying Carson Jones , and couldn't really help him with his parents.

Mental Trauma

Their biggest trauma was with the almost death of their father. They got into a lot of fights with both humans and demons alight throughout their childhood years. Highly afraid of failure and doesn't like needles because they remind them of their father's injuries.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical, strategic, and clever. Very good at predicting the possible moves of others and formulating plans.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes that every single person deserves safety and an equal chance at a happy life no matter race, religion, sexuality, gender, etc. Thinks no one has a right to treat anyone differently for something they can't control or something they choose.
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They believe that although human life is the world's most valuable resource, sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good.

Personality Characteristics


They want to build a just world where people like them and their friends can live in safety and happiness. They want to create a new world and make positive change in society. They want a free world.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at chess, puzzles and other strategy games, sword fighting and other martial arts, and reading. Can stay calm practically all the time. They are awful at pretty much all the arts. They can't cook to save their life. Can't manage time well and make reasonable goals.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Puzzles
  • Weaponry
  • Chess
  • Activism (feminism, etc.)
  • Green
  • Horses
  • Strawberries
  • Combat boots
  • Fire
  • Books
  • Alone time to think
  • Their office
  • Rain
  • Tv and movies (doesn't hate them, just isn't interested in them)
  • Drawing
  • Procrastination
  • Prejudice
  • Corruption
  • Wasting time
  • Snow
  • Chocolate
  • Snakes
  • Flip flops

Virtues & Personality perks

Very strong leadership skills. Very logical, smart, and clever. Organized and efficient. Can stay calm under stress/pressure. Great at predicting other's actions. Down to Earth. A great fighter. Strong. Tough and doesn't let a lot of hate get under their skin.

Vices & Personality flaws

Doesn't understand emotion. Blunt, distant, and has a difficult time relating to others and their feelings. Doesn't understand emotion. Can treat people as pawns. Unempathetic. Has a hard time making and keeping friends.
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Over the course of the story, they become more morally grey and willing to hurt people to achieve a goal.

Personality Quirks

Has a stretching routine for waking up. Eerily still. Cracks knuckles before a fight or under stress. Pulls on hair under extreme stress. Taps foot when frustrated. Runs thumb on hand when hands are clasped. Brings fists up to mouth when thinking.


Fairly hygienic but can forget to do basic hygiene things when extremely close to a goal. You could at any time find dried blood on them from a fight, especially under their fingernails.


Family Ties

A very strong bond with their father, they would trust him with anything. A pretty decent relationship with their mother.

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Extremely charismatic and confident speaking to large crowds. A great leader who can organize people well. Not great at everyday social interactions. They don't make good friends very easily. However, they are an ambivert and enjoy spending time with people though not quite as much as spending time alone. They don't have a huge ego but are still confident. They can have very good etiquette and manners when they want to, but will rarely maintain good manners with people they don't like.


Calm and confident. Holds a room easily. Cold and fairly emotionless. Gestures are really only limited to pointing.

Hobbies & Pets

Does lots of fencing as a part of their training and just for fun. Spends most of their time training when not dealing with an issue. Reads a lot, especially historical fiction. Spends free time playing chess and strategy games with the others in Project Seafire. Has no pets, but if they had to, they would get a cat or horse.


Has a voice that really takes up a room and demands attention. Contralto pitch. Clear, good enunciation. Medium pace, speaks slower when directing people. Speaks fairly monotone, but adds more dynamic when talking with friends. They have a wide vocabulary and use it regularly. If they say they respect you, it is a compliment. If they say you're a monster, it's a terrible insult. They don't insult their friends as jokes, or really have a huge sense of humour. Although they are reasonably quick-witted, they don't use humour often. They don't really swear, if they do, you know they've been pushed over the edge.


Carson Jones

Best friend (Vital)

Towards Angel Diaz



Angel Diaz

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Carson Jones




The two have been friends since the day they met in high school. Angel protected Carson from bullies, and Carson comforted Angel when people hurt them and mended their injuries when they got in fights. When Carson came out to his parents and they turned out to be unsupportive, Angel and their family allowed him to spend lots of time with them and even be homeschooled with Angel a bit. When Angel's father was badly wounded by demons, Carson healed him. They built Seafire from the ground together as partners in crime.

Nicknames & Petnames

Angel isn't one for nicknames, but Carson calls Angel 'Ang' (pronounced 'Anj") from time to time.

Relationship Reasoning

They were the only two queer kids in their school and had to have each other's back. As two outcasts from society, they were drawn together. Now, they are each other's rock, a constant support system in their lives.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They are both queer trans people. They both like playing games and love learning.

Shared Secrets

Angel is the only person who knows just how unsupportive Carson's parents are. Both don't really let people see their negative emotions except for each other.

Shared Acquaintances

Ava, Tally, Quinn, Alexa, Aki, and everyone else at Seafire.

Ava Ibori

Great friend (Important)

Towards Angel Diaz



Angel Diaz

Best friend (Important)

Towards Ava Ibori




The two met when Ava stumbled into the Project Seafire base, and Carson helped convince Angel to let Ava stay. Ava created the RnD department and was vital to the survival of Seafire. The two slowly grew close together, and Angel was one of the few people Ava felt truly safe with. Ava was a fellow logician for Angel to relate to and learn from.

Relationship Reasoning

They became friends for the sake of Project Seafire and to make a difference in the world. Ava is friends with Angel for support and to feel comfortable and safe. Angel is friends with Ava to have someone who they can relate to and who can relate to them. They are both friends that can learn and grow together.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They are both queer poc. Both are logical and love learning, strategy games, and puzzles.

Shared Secrets

Ava is one of the few people who knows what happened to Angel's dad to spark the creation of Seafire. Angel is one of the only people who know how bad Ava's social anxiety is.

Shared Acquaintances

Carson, Quinn, Tally, Ryker, and the rest of Seafire.

Quinn Silva

Good friend (Important)

Towards Angel Diaz



Angel Diaz

Good friend (Important)

Towards Quinn Silva




The two met when Quinn wandered into Seafire and joined. They work very closely together as Angel is a fighter and Quinn's Arms division is one of the most important and visible divisions of the organization. They are somewhat friends, as Quinn needed to be shown the ropes and needed a lot of information on the way lower society works. They now train together occasionally, and sometimes hang out otherwise.

Relationship Reasoning

They work very closely and advise each other a lot. They provide each other with different opinions and views on similar topics. Angel helped Quinn understand the way Project Seafire and the lower-class society worked--what was acceptable, and what wasn't.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both are queer. They both have an interest in fighting, weaponry, and that sort of thing. They both like to help people and teach others.

Shared Acquaintances

Carson, Tally, Ava, Ryker, Alexa, and the rest of Seafire.

Tally Wilson

Good Friend (Important)

Towards Angel Diaz



Angel Diaz

Good Friend (Important)

Towards Tally Wilson




Tally broke into Project Seafire, and this was the moment they first met. However, Angel had vaguely heard of Tally under her alias "Shadow". They work very closely, as Angel is the head of Seafire and Tally runs a major division. They both respect each other, but both are a little frusturated as Tally is always pushing to be allowed more free reign to take resources. They spend some time together and enjoy similar activites, but as they both enjoy alone time, they are good friends wtihout spending an excessive amount of time interacting.

Relationship Reasoning

The two work together, very closely. They provide each other some tension and reconsidering of pre-concieved ideas and they both apreciate this competition.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both are queer. They are both ambivet who like interacting with people but enjoy time alone. Both like reading.

Shared Acquaintances

Ava, Quinn, Ryker, Carson, Alexa, and the rest of Project Seafire

Alexa Hall

Friend (Important)

Towards Angel Diaz



Angel Diaz

Friend (Important)

Towards Alexa Hall




The two met when Alexa found Project Seafire and joined. She was the one who proposed to Angel and Quinn Silva that they develop a reconnaissance sub-division of the Arms Division. They worked together somewhat closely but don't really hang out a lot. However, Angel always goes to Alexa when they want to do something they know the others likely wouldn't approve of or something on the dangerous side because they know Alexa is always up for the risk.

Relationship Reasoning

No matter the danger, no matter the disagreement of the rest of the team, Alexa is always ready and willing to go with Angel on any mission or outing. They sometimes train together because they have incredibly different skills and prove to be a challenge for each other.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both are POC. They are both fighters, although Alexa does significantly less.

Shared Acquaintances

Quinn Silva, Carson Jones, Ava Ibori, Ryker Ibori, Tally Wilson, and the rest of Project Seafire.

Ryker Ibori

Friend (Important)

Towards Angel Diaz



Angel Diaz

Friend (Important)

Towards Ryker Ibori




The two met when Ava brought Ryker back to Seafire. Angel was at first a little suspicious of Ryker, but trusted Ava and her judgement. The two really only talk business and don't have a ton of a relationship except through their mutual friends. They like each other, but aren't super close.

Relationship Reasoning

They work as part of Seafire and are important parts of the organization's survival. They appreciate each other but aren't super close.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both are queer. They both like reading and books. Neither are fans of the government. They both have an interest in fighting tactics.

Shared Acquaintances

Carson, Ava, Tally, Quinn, Alexa, and the rest of Seafire.

Wealth & Financial state

Grew up middle to low class, with enough money to get by but not enough to have practically any luxuries. Now is essentially broke besides some money received for saving citizens or for being hired to clear out demon dens. Project Seafire's biggest source of income is the Intrigue department that Tally Wilson runs, who steal resources and money from the Northern Sector overly rich corrupt residents.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head of Project Seafire
Year of Birth
2149 ADA 19 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
It was somewhat unexpected, but welcome none the less.
Current Residence
Hazel, focused, alert and still. Great at maintaining eye contact as they tend to focus on one thing.
Dark chocolate brown, goes down to between their ears and shoulders and flips outwards at bottom. Layered. Parted on their left.
5'9" or 1.7526 m
150 lbs or 68.0389 kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English (fluent).

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Author's Notes

Angel is an ever-evolving character. Even looking back on their creation and first use in a story mere months ago, I see so many changes between the concept for them and where they are now. I'm constantly adding and developing them in an attempt to make a true, well-rounded character.

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