Rite of the Familiar Mage Tradition / Ritual in Demis | World Anvil

Rite of the Familiar Mage

Written by Mels


Following the creation of the Realm of the Familiarand it's discovery by various mages of strong bonds with their familiars, a particular rite of passage has been birthed related to a fruit that is native only to that Realm. It is believed that, across history, the ritual itself has changed and evolved but held the primary symbolism of representing the and between a familiar and their mage.


The ritual is initially proposed by the familiar to her mage, usually encouraged by the Eriteeor other familiars within the Realm after witnessing a strong bond between a familiar and their visiting humanoid while within the realm. Humanoids selected to undergo this rite have shown a uniquely loyal dedication to their magical partner as well as great respect for the Realm of the Familiar itself. Details of the ritual are not explicitly shared with the humanoid, as it is expected that their will trust their partner enough to not need exact details in order to accept the honor of bonding together.    One the humanoid accepts the invitation. The pair travel together to the Realm and are greeted by their Eritee guide, usually consistent through every visit to the Realm, the pair will be very cordial with their escort. The pair will then be led in silence to the center of the realm, a small island in the center of a still pool of water that reflects beautiful moonlight that always shines upon this area. The trio will approach and effortlessly walk across the surface of the shining, ivory pool, leaving gentle ripples with each step without getting wet.    At the center island stands a great twisting tree with root systems that dig heartily into the dirt to extend to the far reaches of the Realm, connecting all of it's creatures. The Eritee will approach the tree and select one of the ripe, opalescent fruits hanging from it's branches. At this point the familiar and their bonded will share the fruit in equal amount and meditate over the connection of their souls and magicks.    Once the ritual is complete, the pair will open their eyes to see swarms of Eritee circling the outside edge of the pool, flanked by many varieties of familiars who will cheer, and stomp and cry out their happiness in welcome of a new native to the Realm. From this point on, the familiar will have heightened abilities to connect her to her mage while outside the dimension and the humanoid will be allowed to visit the Realm of the Familiar without the need of an Eritee guide.
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