Masters Throughout the Years in Demis | World Anvil

Masters Throughout the Years

hen The Masters organization was founded, it was considered the beginning of a new age of the continent of Ankroth. Since its inception the members selected to be part of this elite group have stood vigil over the lands and its people. Since only 8 members can be active at any one time it is an incredible rarity that a new member is chosen, and when that does occur it is celebrated throughout the land.

The Timeline below chronicles the 8 distinct seats and those chosen to represent them. Organized by their corresponding color, these lines show the various members over this long and storied history.

Reading this Timeline

25 years time

Seat was Vacant for the 25 years

Hover over Names for Tenure

Selectable Names have a Drop Shadow



Tai Pin
Cefrey Stormwind
Slavomir Zapletel

Telchal Shadowhand

Halimath Ethanasath

Ilanis Ostoroth

Fricknarti Stonecutter
Gennal Caerdonel


Yuldra Eathalena
Madison McDermott

Dara Yiellen
Almar Einisson

Delre Orcfoe



Kelnozz Illistyn
Chalan Avery

Wendel Reedfellow


Ubada Ibn Walid



Oskar Henning


Kara Nemetsk
Kethoth Fezim
Norward Kenelm
Helelynn Xerno

Gorstag Greycastle
Shura Hildegard


Adfareis Darderia
Hulmarra Chergoba

Blossom Tealeaf


Kina Birsk
Kaido Johannes

Theren Nailo

Rahnos Zahrorsath
Nevil Elderberry
Thervan Ilphelkiir

Lenet Marak
Kaia Vesik

Mara Floshem

Bareris Anskuld

Penn Stanislaus

Maveith Kolae-Gileana
Blendaeth Chumbyxirinnish

Celci Whistlesong
Bareris Sepret
Fatiha Alibiova
Droover Obatre

Carric Dalanthan
Ovina Ruby-Eye

Zraela Wyndael
Kristryd Helcral
Santoso Gan

Tsao Tuay


Sannl Rumnaheim
Mirella Trixi



Wiggens Cobblelob
Mirawarin Woodlight


Neghet Cor

Gnorcys Vuuvaxath

So-Kehur Nathandem

Myinkath Malxora


Zelophe Darderia
Nissa Nucklestamp
Quarion Casilltenirra
Aerert Danton
Dalxondres Ravonaar


Georgina Hogcaller


Peren Hanali

Yinpetor Ashiphihia
Sylmare Ulacyne

Xanaphia Vrinn

Lureene Ariessus
Ostaram Rekurash



Boriv Drazlad


Hethress Hashphronyxadyn
Gardar Stayankina


Otanyn Pumanath

Brickers Rockhewer

Alutir Strongfist

Sylfaren Tesaeal
Halgin Summerbelly



Bai Huang


Admyar Ferua

Dara Rein
Keith Goldfound
Jorildyn Lialee


Thazar-De Uuthrakt


Snoring Mountain "Cloud"
Bes Ariessus

Keothi Vaimei-Laga
Dantrag Wyndyl

Hlin Rakankrak

Savaran Mystan

Eleren Beezlar

Jasper Thorngage
Olga Dashkev


Trynnicus Tiammanthyllish


Lia Erenaeth

Azzakh Umbyrphrael

Lia Withrethim


Belgrim Forgeborn

Morn Dundragon


Kevhomin Ferua

Reddlepop Tarkelby

Asher Wheatflow
Gerren Kitto


Kaz Gutrar

Rilia "Ashes" Marqine
Salazar Agosto
Adran Withrethin
Trakunar Tharimm

Nery Swiftbridge

Rumbling River "Jade"
Rinise Ekras

Danniel Kettlewhistle


Alys Farlight
Grygarn Coldrock
Tymin Keenbreaker

Celniana Yohani Zinnove Receli


Theirastra Teinithra
Rizzen Ghaun


Rangrim Dankil


Reed Copperkettle


Ianwin Dapplecraft
Isoza Quillfirn



Zondos Rovesath


Ema Kickler

Emeline Cartwright
Faxina Liarora
Palamon Ladugath

Orjin Remplenample


Amnus Wildward

Quespa Mohradyllion
Tewrick Underlake


Pavel Marsk
Orrhana Fiddleflight


Haseid Horineth

Uannan Eyrith

Tiris Zinlar
Blaise Zaim

Eral Emeraldbrew

Ualdrass Belrakas


Iagan Dalanthan
Presmer Avhoste
Zinlin Twiceblessed

Magic Smoke

Eirkoris Halben

Orryn Carwell
Melori Roe

Rain of Spring


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