Pistea Geographic Location in Delmenia | World Anvil

Pistea (piss-TAY-uh; IPA: /pɪsteə/)

The Moon of Delmenia

Pistea is the barren, cyan-colored moon of the planet Delmenia. Pistea's orbit around Delmenia gives rise to the tides of Delmenia's oceans, and stabilizes the planet. The moon's cyan color comes from the mineral Asurrite, which is found in large quantiies on and near the surface of the moon.




This moon is located roughly 400,000 kilometers from the planet Delmenia, which it orbits.


Pistea is roughly 11,000 kilometers in circumference at its equator, and has a radius of nearly 1,740 kilometers there.


Pistea is covered in craters of various sizes from impacts with various objects. The most notable crater of Pistea is visible from Delmenia, and has been called "The Quillion Crater" in Rothos, after the 50th Archangel, Robert Quillion.


Natural Resources


Various types of stone, such as the cause of it's trademark blue color, and metal are found in and on Pistea, but there is no access to these resources.


This moon is colored a light cyan due to a type of blue rock - Asurrite - found abundantly and in large quantities on its surface and up to a depth of 150 kilometers below Pistea's surface.




Pistea was formed soon after Delmenia was, roughly 10,000 years before present day. It is thought that Pistea and Delmenia spontaneously sprung into existence fully formed and became habitated with various creatures spontaneously.




There is no tourism to or from Pistea, as it is inaccessible to the races on Delmenia and is devoid of its own races.


Fauna and Flora


Pistea is a barren moon, with no native lifeforms. As the moon has no liquid water nor any reputable atmosphere, it does not have the capability to support lifeforms.

Alternative Name(s)
The Moon
Planetoid / Moon

Cover image: by Vertixico


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