Aetherworld Void Geographic Location in Death of a Star | World Anvil
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Aetherworld Void

The land where Aetherials, Galaxoids, and the Children of the first spark Exist, a land of chaos where the laws of physics no longer apply. Only with specalized gear can one hope to enter without being instantly disintigrated by the chaos of the land.


Barren empty space with no gravity made up primarily of Aether Gas, contains xalium, catastrophite, Solid/liquid Aether, vilaxium, shadow stone and astrinite. balls of these matterials can be found floating in the Aetherworld all held together by shadow stone.

Natural Resources

Xalium, catastrophite, Solid/liquid Aether, vilaxium, and astrinite all clump up together around Shadow stone, Aether gas makes up 99% of the aetherworld and thuse is easly exploited.
Alternative Name(s)
Aether, World between worlds, First Universe
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Related Myths

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