Archibald Von Bismarck Character in Dead World | World Anvil
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Archibald Von Bismarck

Archibald Von Bismarck

Divine Domains

Good, Law, Community, Protection, Glory

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A medallion worn over the heart, a half organic half clockwork heart made of cold iron or adamantine. The symbol is not considered complete until marks of battle have worn it.

Tenets of Faith

• I know that life is hard and those who have lived it longer than I have wisdom from it. I will always respect my elders and consider their advice.
• All who are helpless deserve protection, regardless of who they are, life is precious.
• I know that I am not the apex in physical or mental prowess, I will not throw myself into a futile fight for the sake of pride.
• I do not stand alone. If someone offers help I shall accept it graciously.
• I know that the world is not ideal, sacrifices must be made. If one life must be sacrificed for many I shall abide, but I shall do all in my power that the sacrifice is mine.
• I will hold the line, always being the last to leave the fray.
• I will remember all of those who I have failed to protect. Their memory will push me to protect those who are still left.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bulky, Toned, and Wrinkley beef cake.

Body Features

Has a permanent Scar made by a noose around his neck, even to this day is very visible and makes a visible indent. As well now 3 cuts running down his face spaced evenly apart.

Facial Features

Thick bushy white eyebrow mostly covering his dark brown eyes, has a short and unkempt mustache and small beard to match.

Special abilities

Not dying. Never staying dead.

Mental characteristics




Hell Knights Academy


Lictor of the Hell Knight Organization.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Triumphed over a Purple Worm, and Contract Devil as well was able to take their tooth and horn home as trophies.

Failures & Embarrassments

Archibald regrets having been unable to prevent Luke's suicide by Daemon after having failed to read a contract carefully enough, as well having the same Daemon assassinate his wife before bring it down, then having accidentally re-kill a young hell knight in training using the fingers of the Daemon when trying to make up for his mistakes. So many companions have died around Archibald, being the lone survivor over and over has haunted him for years. (at least until the party has managed to stay alive somewhat consistently as time went on.)

Mental Trauma

Survivors Guilt / PTSD

Morality & Philosophy

It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. To give in is to be a coward, no matter how grim the fight may be, one must swing with all their might until death has taken them, and then keep swinging.

Personality Characteristics


Hopes to leave the world in safe hands before age finally takes him.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great at not dying, not great at keeping other alive.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws

Incredibly stubborn, Poor pre-combat planning skills.


Contacts & Relations

Loving relationship with his Son and two daughters. A respectful understanding with Arathmas. Feeling of a concerned parent for his party that he continuously places in danger time after time when venturing out into even more dangerous and unknown territory.

Religious Views

A strong believer in the teachings of Torag, yet the effects of having a worshiper of Desna as a wife for the majority of his life has shown through in how he treats strangers and defeated foes hoping to change them for the better rather than bring down the hammer.

Social Aptitude

Very confident and boisterous. Grandpa vibes exude from him making him extremely hard to hate for most good aligned creatures (with a notable exception in Luke Taelor).


Inside voices are difficult.

Wealth & Financial state

Most nearly all of Archibald's wealth gets poured into his own weapons and armor in hopes that he may continue to protect his traveling companions. What he doesn't though gets flitted about spoiling his adopted daughter Jana, to pay for dresses as well as starting combat gear to help train her in her father's footsteps as she desires.
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Unbreakable old man

View Character Profile
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Cold Iron Commander
Current Residence
A simple 1 story house located in the lowers. Occasionally Hell Knight HQ.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages

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