Aphara Geographic Location in Dawn of Shadows | World Anvil


What once was now burns in infernal flame

What Once Was

Aphara was made directly by The Creator when they sacrificed themselves to create something out of the seemingly endless expanse of Abyss. This world was made to be perfect in all aspects, the days were long and full of bountiful sunlight. There was no darkness, no twilight, only the beautiful expanse of The Creators work. Lush forests and grand cities sprang from nothing as The Creator painstakingly made the lands and seas. To call Aphara perfect was an understatement, an insult to The Creator themselves. This was a land of absolute magnificence, a place where the gentle winds cooled you, and the warm fires kept you company. A place where the trees made way for you as you walked, and the grass beneath you sank as if you were walking on clouds.   The first beings to inhabit Aphara were the nine Gods, created to rule Aphara in The Creator's absence. These beings, distinct and powerful, took their perspective thrones next to the seat of The Creator, a seat no one would ever fill. While awaiting The Creator's inevitable return the Gods ruled over Aphara's people, the Elvalen. Now known as the ancestors of all Elves they were originally the descendants of The Creator themselves, as from their very body the Elvalen were formed.   Elvalen lived in colossal cities that fulfilled every conceivable need. Not a soul was wanting, and all were cared for. For it was under the Divine authority of the nine Gods that they took comfort in. The Gods shepherded the Elvalen, caring for them and advising them from above their thrones. There was no bloodshed in Aphara, no war, no true death. The Elvalen lived simply and peacefully until the Divine War changed everything.   One of the most intriguing aspect of Aphara was that death was rare, and when it occurred it was easily reversible. Those in Aphara did not age, we known them now as The Eternals for this reason. They appeared much like Elves do today and are their ancestors, explaining the long lifespans of the Elves. To this day Elves are the only mortal species that can trace their lineage to The Creator themselves, something they are most proud of.   Those that died were able to emerge once more from the many Archtrees that dotted the landscape, these Trees were divine gifts from The Mother and served to ensure that death never took anyone who did not explicitly want it. Those that chose to die were instead reborn as new Elvalen or wildlife, continuing the cycle of life. As such, no creature truly died.

The Divine War

The exact events of the Divine War have long been lost to time, the only remaining participants of it being the Gods and Archfey. Still, echoes of it can be felt all over. It's safe to say that the Divine War was the single most important event in all of history, perhaps even rivaling The Creator rising from the Abyss. What we known has been filtered through countless sources of uncertain bias. Together they do not form a clean picture, but it is the only picture that we have.   The catalyst of the Divine War was avarice. The ninth God, who sat with the rest of the Divine Council saw themselves as the heir of creation, the one to supersede The Creator. The other Gods protested, they knew that in time The Creator would return. The ninth God rebuked them, claiming themselves to be the one true God, the God of Gods. This proclamation incited war, something that up to this point, was unheard of in Aphara. The Gods knew not war, and the Elvalen knew it less so, but they took up arms regardless, for they knew no one could bear the mantle of The Creator but The Creator themselves.   While the remaining eight Gods were united in their cause, the ninth was far stronger than they were, and proved to be more than they could handle at first. Slowly more and more Elvalen turned to the side of the ninth, and as their army grew all looked bleak. That was until a Divine artifact was uncovered, a relic of the past: The heart of the very Creator themselves. Left over from the creation of Aphara the heart held the essence of The Creator, and enough raw arcana to defeat the ninth. Unfortunately however, the heart was destroyed during the fighting, and with the ninth still alive the Gods needed a new solution. They could not allow the ninth, now referred to as The Forbidden One, to regain their power and reignite the flames of war. Their solution, was fire.

The Burning

The Forbidden one was a God, and therefore could not be killed. While the fighting was over, a permanent solution needed to be found. It was found in infernal flame. The council chamber they all once served in would become a prison for The Forbidden One, and all their followers. The very thrones that they once sat upon to guide the Elvalen became the very chains that bound The Forbidden One.   The fire was set and Aphara burned, and the fire has not stopped to this day. Aphara burned into Hell, what was once the home of the Elvalen, Fey and the Gods, is now the home to Fiends and the Archdevils that rule them. At the center of it all, the infernal stockade, where The Forbidden One and their most loyal subordinates are subjected to an endless stream of fire.   The Elvalen who fought on the side of The Forbidden One were promised wealth and power beyond their wildest dreams. Instead they burned with Aphara and became the first Devils. These fiends spread across Aphara's new fiery hellscape, left to rebuild the home they caused to fall. The strongest of these devils obtained a new title to differentiate themselves from their weaker forms, Archdevils.   The children of the Elvalen who supported The Forbidden were scarred with the fires of Aphara, they were covered by the ashes of their parents and became the Drow, forever scarred by the crimes they did not commit. This stain upon their very skin brands them to this day, a constant reminder of sins past. The other Elvalen became the Elves, separated from the Archtrees they were doomed to eventually perish, a consequence of the Chimalli between the material plane and Evermyre, the home of The Mother.

Asylum - The First Ring

After the burning Aphara was split into a number of concentric circles. Only the initial circle was ever intentionally constructed by the Gods. The others being built over time by the devils that now inhabit Aphara. The original purpose of the first ring was to serve as a prison for The Forbidden One and their generals in the Divine War. And over the centuries this remains so. In the center of Aphara lies the great stone prison, encased within is the Forbidden One, chained and gagged to prevent their influence from escaping. Surrounding the stone prison is a number of smaller ones which house the generals of The Divine War. Guarding them are the Celestial beings known as "The Last Watch", tasked with keeping the devils in. While some have slipped though over the years the Forbidden has yet to escape from the clutches of the Gods.   Asylum itself is fairly small, at least compared to the rings that surround it. Only comprising of a number of buildings that serve as prisons for The Forbidden One and their generals, as well as barracks for The Last Watch. This war torn section of Aphara is hot, unbearably so due to the infernal flame keeping The Forbidden One lit in the infernal stockade. This extreme heat has left the surrounding lands barren, devoid of water or any vegetation should not be able to support any form of life. Over time however the devils of Aphara adapted, becoming more accustomed to the flames than anything else. Now this hellscape is littered with the bodies of those that have fallen in the many wars of Aphara.

Wars of Aphara

The Divine War is often seen by most as the first war to have ever existed. Even the very concept of war was incomprehensible to the Elvalen, but to their descendants it is all they know. Aphara now is constantly at war with itself, with every ring of Aphara vying for control of the infernal stockade. For it is said that if The Forbidden One were to ever be released from their prison, the one who liberates them would sit at their side and usurp the Gods alongside them.   Naturally, all Archdevils want to be the one to release The Forbidden One, although their reasons for wanting this can vary from the original legend of the stockade. This is however the most common goal amongst all the Archdevils that have ever walked Apphara. It's this vision that inspires bloodshed, this singular goal that has covered the plane in blood and gore.   To catalog every war that has occured in Aphara would be a mindnumming task, for ages the Archdevils have waged war. However there are a few notable conflicts that are worth mentioning. The Infernal Concord, the Night of Broken Crowns, and the Lycan Invasion are the most notable events in Apharan war history. These events have shaped the perception of Aphara not only for its inhabitants, but for the planes as a whole.

Subjugation - The Second Ring

Pain and eternal torment are not limited to the prisoners of the infernal stockade. This horrid fate spreads to the second ring, domain of Ahzrukhal. Ahzrukhal is the oldest Archdevil, the only one who was around before The Divine War. He rose to power after escaping from the infernal stockade himself around 2000 years into his imprisonment. Due to his captivity he holds the most resentment towards The Gods, and is a fervent supporter of the infernal prophecy. He knew The Forbidden God, saw Aphara before the fires that scarred it. It is this undying rage he contains within himself that propelled him to the second ring, clearly established as the strongest and most important Archdevil.   Due to the proximity to the infernal stockade, subjugation is unbearably hot, even to devils who have become accustomed to the heat. It is in this climate that a special form of Adamantine can be found. Known as Infermantine, this metal is strong enough, and receptive enough to magic to be forged into Soul Coins. These coins are capable of housing the very soul of a creature. In this form they are a valuable commodity, used to power the magical devices that devils are reliant upon. They also serve as the highest form of currency in Aphara, as nothing is worth more than a literal moral soul.   The mining of infermantine, as well as the many conflicts Ahzrukhal finds himself embroiled in require a lot of miners and especially soldiers. These come in the form of slaves, mostly tieflings from infernal contracts, but devils of all kinds find themselves in Ahzrukhal's armies and mines as unwilling participants. Having been mentally dominated by Ahzrukhal and his subordinates they have no choice but to slave away until they die in war or in the mines. When they die their souls are taken and placed into the very soul coins they helped make.

Ecstasy - The Third Ring

Ruled by Naarahmaviir, Ecstasy is the debaucherous ring of Hell. Here one's wildest fantasies come true, no matter what they may be. The streets of Ecstasy are lined with gambling dens, brothels and fighting arenas. Naarahmaviir is most interested in making sure the denizens of Ecstasy are constantly experiencing pleasure and excitement. This is in stark contrast to Subjugation, full of pain and misery it's strange to see the two rings side by side. When you take a moment to consider Ecstasy's unique place in the hierarchy however, it begins to make a lot more sense.   Naarahmaviir knows best that to be popular with the masses is a form of power unto itself. With Aphara as ridden with war and death as it is the denizens of it need a place to unwind and be happy. Naarahmaviir has grown to her position of power because the other Archdevils need her. Her entire domain is geared to make people happy, keep them entertained and satisfied. Even slaves need morale, so most of the other Archdevils have agreements in place to allow their soldiers and slaves to visit Ecstasy on occasion to unwind as a reward for a job well done. It is the influence and cash flow that comes from these agreements that has allowed Naarahmaviir to not only stay in power, but be nearly untouchable by the other Archdevils, lest they have a rebellion on their hands.

Elysium - The Fourth Ring

Ruled by Jirtovik, Elysium is an attempt to make Aphara actually habitable for the people in it. Not ruled by pain or excesses, Elysium is the closest you can get to a life similar to that in Evania. This is a peace that was and is hard fought for, Elysium is constantly at war to maintain its place in the pecking order. This is mostly due to Elysium being the closest ring to the infernal stockade to have naturally occurring water. In fact, a large amount of the landscape in Elysium is hospitable, capable of sustaining wildlife even. Farms and small forests dot the landscape as Aphara starts looking more and more like it once did.   With this being the first ring to have water, one of the major reasons for war in Aphara becomes clear. Resources that are basic in Evenia are much more difficult to obtain in the inner two rings. Living that close to the infernal stockade was never meant to be sustainable, even devils need food and water. Therefore Elysium is constantly under attack from the first two rings for its resources. This makes Jirtovik's mission inexorably difficult. As no matter how much progress is done in making Elysium safe, its very existence is threatened for the simple fact that they have the basic necessities for life.   Many see Elysium as a doomed idea, something that will never come to fruition. Aphara now is the embodiment of war, to attempt to assert peace is foolish given the circumstances. Considering that Elysium is constantly under siege from both of its borders, it remains to be seen if a new home in Aphara can ever be truly created.

Eternia - The Fifth Ring

Ruled by Araxxas, Eternia is the rejection of Hell, an attempt to bring back what once was. The lifeblood of Aphara is present here, and in certain parts it is almost indistinguishable from what Aphara looked like before the burning. Far from the Asylum there are lush forests, fields of flowers, and even a few young Archtrees. Here live some fey and celestials but this is overall still populated mostly by devils. These Devils however refute their infernal heritage, taking on new names and trying to live life in accordance to old Apharan traditions.   This take on Aphara's history is not meant to be a carbon copy. Araxxas understands that Aphara is no longer the place of peace and beauty it used to be. She embraces war, attempting to wipe out any devil who does not wish to return to the golden age of Aphara. Naturally this puts her at odds with every other Archdevil, with not a single ally. Not that she wishes to work with them of course. Araxxas doesn't see herself as an Archdevil, as one of the two remaining Archfey she prefers that title over her new one. And her intention is to make sure there are not more devils in Aphara when she's done with it.

Conquest - The Sixth Ring

Ruled by Zaramaphel, Conquest is the outermost ring of Aphara. Zaramaphel to most is just another warlord, another young Archdevil who walked out of the deadlands and wants to try to make a name for herself. Zaramaphel is the youngest of the Archdevils, only being in power for about 1,000 years. While for most that is a long time, for an Archdevil its nothing at all. Especially with how violent the outskirts of the rings tend to be. Zaramaphel has had to spend most of her time fending off warlords from the Deadlands while she tries to pierce Eternia's defenses. Something she has yet to succeed at.   Conquest is name as such for the simple reason that it has seen the most amount of Archdevils rule it over the years. Each one usually killed by the next. Zaramaphel is not seen as a threat by the other Archdevils. Without clear borders separating her from the Deadlands she'll be doomed to fight needless wars until eventually a new Archdevil comes to take her place.

The Deadlands

The Deadlands are the areas outside of the Six Rings, ruled by warlords and their warbands. The Deadlands are where free devils go to avoid the bulk of the fighting in the rings, or for ambitious devils that want to make an attempt at becoming an Archdevil themselves.   The Deadlands are named for their danger. With no Archdevil to oversee the territory, any beings here are left to their own devices against the untamed expanse of Aphara's abandoned lands. Or they are forced to live under the rule of one of the many warlords that control the regions. Given enough time a warlord proclaims themselves an Archdevil, and they march towards Conquest to attempt to overtake it. It's these constant warbands that keep Zaramaphel from advancing on Eternia with her whole force.   Many attempts have been made to settle in the Deadlands permanently. The prospect of setting up villages, cities and even kingdoms is an idealistic endeavor many attempt to achieve. Whenever this has succeeded, it typically ends with the creation of a new ring, and the rise of a new Archdevil. Few large independent cities exist in the Deadlands, but they are out there. Each one ruled by a warlord simply aching to proclaim themselves the next Archdevil.

Hell: A Linguistic Choice

Since the end of The Divine War there has been a long debate as to whether or not the name of the plane should be changed. Given the fact that Aphara was the name given to the plane by the Creator themselves it seemed wrong to some that the name would stick even with Aphara's new infernal inhabitants.

Excerpt from "The Consequences of Avarice" by Eshenesra Zinvaris

"Placed in the hearts and minds of every Elven child is the concept of Aphara. An eternal spark of what was once ours. While the infernal flames may have consumed our home they have not and will never consume my spirit. For it is the promise of Aphara that separates Elves from those who came after, those that came from the dew of life know not of the home that once was. We are not children of Evenia, our very being yearns for Aphara, it yearns for home."

Cultural Differences

The subject of Aphara's name typically comes down to who speaks of it. Many of the Elven races view Aphara with a strong sense of longing, like a home they will return to someday. As such by their spread alone the name Aphara is still very popular, especially given the influence that the Zetian empire has had.   Other races tend to offhandedly refer to Aphara as Hell, although this informal name is widespread it is rarely if ever seen on any sort of historical records. Due to the influence of the Zentian empire.


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