The Choosing of a Griguar Tradition / Ritual in Daven Rock | World Anvil
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The Choosing of a Griguar

In the city of Bosa the main group of guards is called the Griguar tens guards are unique and higher ranking than your day to day town guards as they fly high above the city getting a birds eye veil from atop their griffons. They are considered to be the highest ranking guards in the town reporting directly to the council. There are only 10 of them and when one retires or dies the position is filled with great haste.   The griffon is a noble steed and its willingness to be ridden is never to be taken for granted. When the ceremonial proceedings begin for the selection of a new Griguar, the chosen soldiers and guards line up and wait. The ceremony begins with the honorary burning of the fallen Griguar robes and the release of their griffon, if it still lives, into the wild. After this ceremonial send off the candidates then proceeded forward and run two fingers through the ashes of the burnt robes, using the ash they drew two parallel lines down their face from the top of their forehead to the bottom of their chin. Next a griffon is presented to the council, and dressed in its armors before it strides out to meet the candidates.   The people of Bosa believe that the mount must choose the rider for without this chosen connection the limit of one’s skill is significantly lower. With this the candidates each present their chosen weapon and demonstrate their skills with it. Working it on a series of wooden dummies while the griffons watch with its keen eyes. At the end of their demonstrations each must then show how they care for this blade, as it should be kept sharp. This routine of caring shows the griffon that it will be well kept and in fighting shape, if you listen to the blade and cae for it you’ll do the same for the griffon. After these two steps the griffon comes forward and chooses the new Griguar, who then mounts and takes off to the sky to join the others. At the end of the day they return as one to The Nest, the base of operations for the Griguar.

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