Infernal Frontier Geographic Location in Daven Rock | World Anvil
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Infernal Frontier

Residing in the middle of Cordana the Infernal Frontier is a place steeped in mystery and dreaded by many civilizations that live on the shores of the continent. Fully separating the 3 main powers in Cordana, the frontier serves as a barrier to terrestrial trade and keeps the nations largely separated from one another forcing them to rely on sea trade instead of overland travel.      


    Who or what actually lives in the frontier is largely uncertain. Rumors speak of entities of demonic or devilish heritage from which the name arises. Frequent Border sightings tell of red-skinned humanoids, winged beasts, and creatures made of bone. The occasional creature is seen flying above the sands silhouetted against the cloudless dry skies. A few expeditions have ventured into the rift and come back with bodies of devils and creatures with large claw-like structures on where hands should be, creatures with wickedly long tails and spiked backs no such creature has been seen outside of this place and many are thankful for that fact.  

Cultural Impacts


Drocian Empire

  The Drocian empire has the best natural protections in the forms of the Sand-Swept peaks and the Mirrored River. As such their citizens have a sense of security when it comes to the frontier and their borders. Knowing that the river reveals the true form of any whom pass over it has allowed the empire to relax their protection at the border. The only known path of entry is for something to come in along the Sand swept peaks. Many people in the empire still have biases against tieflings and devilish/demonic kin from the early days when the empire wasn't as secure.

Kingdom of Fathia

    The Fathian people have the longest border with the frontier, covering most of the eastern and parts of their southern border the frontier has become a large part of the culture there. With the frontier to the southwest and the dread sea to the northeast, people in the kingdom have great respect for the dangers of the natural world. Devilish and demonic kin walk among people here rare as it may be it is not unheard of. They tend to keep to their own yet as agents of chaos, they enjoy going out exploring. This leads to less trustful border cities with a higher caliber of guards to patrol regularly on the lookout for the underlings.
"Our people don't know the real danger that they are in. if the reports from my scouts are accurate, then if the blood war taking place just beyond our borders were to move into our land then there is truly little we can do to stop it."   Vinora Clearwater, Master of Information, Drocian Advisory Council


  The people of Nelum south have the simplest thoughts on this issue; ignore it. Rather than choose to border the frontier or to fight against it, they have let the Savanah to their north serve as a natural border. With the exceptions of the odd roaming tribe in the savannah they are uninhabited. In addition to this factor, they also have the silent fields between them and the frontier as well.

International Trade

  Due to the lack of overland travel options, there is increased nautical trade amongst nations and cities on Cordana. The Drocian empire has the best ships and as such works to help protect the trade lines from those forces natural and otherwise that work against their trades.

Hidden Secrets

The Infernal Frontier still holds many secrets to this day, remnants of ruins and treasures from the forgotten years. Few dare brave its sun-scorched landscapes in search of what treasures may exist within the barren landscapes beyond the safety of their nation.

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