Episode 02 | Seal the Deal in Val'Druen | World Anvil

Episode 02 | Seal the Deal

Zymera struggled for her life. She was trapped underwater in a heap of rubble and it took everything she had to fight her way free before she drowned. Luckily, her companions were nearby to save the day. She managed to get free, but there still remained the challenge of getting to Core 2 in the maintenance corridors beneath Shorebend Correctional's visitation room. Restoring the core would be their only hope at sealing the leaking roof and preventing a catastrophic flood.

Zymera tried once more to crawl through the rubble blocking the flooding hallway, this time with Hogan close behind. A nearly fatal error caused the rubble to shift. Hogan would have been crushed to death if it were not for Preston's quick thinking. Now, Hogan and Preston remained on one side of the collapse, while Zymera and Thorne were on the other. With no choice, the pairs split off and hoped for the best.

Thorne and Zymera found the mythricite core that would power the visitation wing, but it was damaged. Recalling a mending chamber they had discovered earlier, Zymera took the damaged core through ventilation ducts to the far side of the collapsed hallway, and repaired the crystalline core. Once it was repaired, the heroes gained control of all the magical functions of the visitation chamber, the most important of which was casting Iron Wall to seal the glass ceiling before it shattered.

With this task accomplished, the heroes were able to return to their search for Cell Block B. They found a small camp of survivors there, led by a militant SCO named Bradford. After the heroes recovered from their previous ordeals, Bradford asked them to make their way to the flooding armory to retrieve equipment for his men. They agreed, but one of the prison administrator's, Xenia Harfolk, pulled them aside privately and asked them to complete a different task. Weapons and armor would do no good for the sick and wounded survivors. They needed supplies from the infirmary on the other side of the prison complex. Trusting Xenia's judgement, the heroes decided it would be best to follow her advice and go to the infirmary.

As they were leaving the Cell Block, Thorne noticed one of the SCOs was watching him. A man named Piker, whom Thorne had a particular dislike for. The petty and needlessly cruel prison guard had made the last few years difficult for Thorne. Zymera also encountered an old acquaintance. A woman name Nadia from Verdant Circle. Nadia seemed to have information about the tremors that had rocked the prison, but wouldn't share details. She asked Zymera for a knife and a cell key sigil. Zymera was uncomfortable with the requests, but agreed.

As the heroes explored the prison corridors to find the infirmary, they encountered more out of control automatons. Copper cops and Whirly snitches tried to kill them on sight, a strange and out-of-character occurrence for the security constructs.

Finally, the heroes found the infirmary. As they were about to enter, they realized they weren't the first ones on the scene. Someone, or something inside heard their approach and began to barricade the door against them. It would seem that retrieving the supplies was going to be a little more complicated than they'd thought.
SCO Piker
Sergeant Willem Bradford
Xenia Harfolk
Dr. Tredia Prommer
Cell Block B


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Mar 20, 2020 09:46 by Janet Forbes

This is so awesome! Can you embed or link in the Youtube video too, so I can find it easily? <3

  • Janet Forbes (Founder of World Anvil, fantasy author and RPG designer)
  • Grab your hammer and GO WORLDBUILD!
    Mar 26, 2020 20:34 by Jim Rodehaver

    As soon as we have youtube uploads for each episode we'll be adding them to each episode recap, and we'll send out a notification to followers when it's added :)