Vampiric Diets Ethnicity in Darkness Moon Chronicles | World Anvil
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Vampiric Diets

TW: Mentions of cannibalism
In all cultures, vampires are known to feed off the blood of sentient beings. However, not all vampires do this though. Some are what vampires would call "vegan" and it is usually frowned upon as a vampire cannot gain enough sustenance to feed themselves as a vampire needs at least one goblet of humanoid blood every three days.  
The more typical version of a vampire. These vampires live off humanoid blood and can be found turning the aspect ofblood drinking into a sport. In some cultures, the feeding of blood is used through bloodletting, which happens only in the Minuianto Region.  
Vegan vampires are the type to feed only off of animal blood, such as cats, dogs, bears, rabbits, and other fauna. Vampires that choose this route usually end up looked down upon as they need to feed a lot more often. One notable vampire who chose to go vegan is Kěith Cheonsa. After learning that some meals he had in Tong-illa were actually human flesh, he became disgusted and vowed to only drink animal blood. In some cases where he is severely injured or malnourished, he is forced to drink humanoid blood to keep himself sane and alive.

Table of Contents

Religious Aspects

by darksouls1 (Pixabay)

While vampires can be either vegan or carnivore, some vampires choose to go a sadistic route and eat human flesh. This type of culture only happens on Shálmâne in the country of Tong-illa. It is seen as a religious view done once a week to appease their infernal heritage.

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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