To My Prince Document in Darkness Moon Chronicles | World Anvil
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To My Prince

This is a secret love letter written by Soveliss Sangelfique. Sovelliss' feelings for Crown Prince Kěith Cheonsa were forbidden for a variety of reasons.  


by Bru-nO (Pixabay)
Around Tilelt 5th of 1832 EoL, Duke Andreus Sangelfique was assassinated at the hands of a werewolf. It remains unknown if it was related to the war or just a random occurance, but the Itude Empire did not take any chances.   The death of Andreus drove Duchess Sangelfique insane as well as pushing Duke Alestar into a path of abusing his son, Soveliss for failing to protect his older twin brother. Just twenty days after the abuse began, Soveliss mysteriously disappeared with his younger brother, Heian. It is said that they were captured by the Flight Academy, but no proof has been found.

Table of Contents

by sik-life (Pixabay)
Quick Facts
Text, Letter
Authoring Date:
Tillet 25th, 1832 EoL
Soveliss Sangelfique
Text, Letter
Authoring Date
Tillet 25th, 1832 EoL

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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