Runic Chaney Site Building / Landmark in Darkness Moon Chronicles | World Anvil
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Runic Chaney Site (/roo-nik/ /chay-nee/ /sahyt/)

The Runic Chaney Site is an old mage tower that sunk into the softened earth during the Battle of Iconbolt. This battle manipulated the structure of the ground, swollowing nearly the entire tower, to where only the the top remains, and that itself is thoroughly damaged to the point the roof no longer exists. The former owner of the tower, Magi Hiozis died during the battle, bequeathing its remains to the earth as the will to destroy his enemies and protect the Winter Moon Pack a couple of miles to the west.   Over time, it was taken control off by nasty rogue werewolves, who sought to use it as a place to summon infernal that would rid the world of vampires. After the Winter Moon Pack's forcely evicted the rogues through an extermination tactic, the tower was thought to be cleared out until a pair of siblings with their dracat stumbled upon the place and made it one of their secret bases across the continent of Chymoús.  


The tower contains a five-story spiral stairs that sections off and breaks into various rooms, in which each are warded off by cave-ins due to the tower's collapse. Each room is considered off limits and unstable to even attempt to clear out.  

Level 1

At the final floor, it is covered in this vines and squishy healing moss that sometimes glows when a druid is nearby. Going around the room are clusters of glowing green crystals, while a heavy statue of a woman lays shattered on the floor. It is hard to see which material the statue was made of, yet she gives off an eerie atmosphere that many do not dare go near the tower, afraid that it is cursed. Near the south of the room is a moonpool that was used for scrying in the old days. Now, it just collects energy from the moon and stores it.   In the northwestern part of the room is a back door that leads into a strange room with a spike pit running across it. A wooden bridge was built over it with two unpolished marble statues of a man with his hand out. A set of red crystals glow near the top of some stairs leading into a dark abyss.  

Level 2

The very dark abyss reveals a dirt cavern with blue glowing mushrooms and large rock formations that nearly block the way unless one squeezes past them. Another pool of water rests in the center of the cavern with a strange glowstone resting in the center, creating enough lighting for someone to pass by with tripping and falling in. From there are three bedrooms, each equiped with unique style. The one on the left (when you walk up to the rooms), is Sai Rivia's room, while the room directly across from it (on the right) is the guest bedroom. Finally, the last bedroom is an L-shape walk away from Sai's room and belongs to Alley Kat Rivia.  
Runic Chaney Site

Table of Contents

Ruined Structure
1,982 TDRE[/tooltip]
by ArtHouse Studio (Pexels)
Quick Facts
6,581 EoD[/tooltip]
Tower, Underground
Parent Location:
Howling Woods
Alley Kat Rivia
Sai Rivia
by ArtHouse Studio (Pexels)

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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