krethan Species in Dálnaes | World Anvil

krethan (KREE-than)

A subterranean horror native to the Underrealm of Kilgroth. Legends abound about these monstrous centipede-like creatures. They haunt the deepest reaches of the Underrealm, where even seasoned underdelvers hesitate to venture.  


Little is known about where krethans came from, and few are willing to risk their lives finding out. The first recorded sighting was around 700 years ago, in a newly discovered warren of tunnels far beneath the town of Kurglast. The underdelvers exploring the area were struck by the unnatural smoothness of the tunnels, almost as thought they'd been dug out. Unaware that the tunnel had indeed been dug by a yet-undiscovered creature, they followed it directly to a krethan nest, where they were immediately set upon by angry krethan adults. Only two of the nine explorers managed to escape, and stories of the monstrous worms spread like wildfire. Krethan tunnels that have been discovered since then have been either blocked off or intentionally caved in.  


Though no information about krethan anatomy has been verified as absolute, there are several facts that have come to be accepted by the general populace. It is understood that they are some sort of insectoid creature with multiple sets of segmented legs, antennae, multi-faceted eyes, and an exoskeleton that can withstand blows from even the strongest warriors.  
Although all sightings have confirmed that krethans have multiple sets of legs, the total number seems to vary depending on the creature's size. That said, no one has yet seen more than six "front" legs. These forelimbs are each equipped with two claw-like fingers that can easy crush a man or spear him straight through. Unconfirmed reports claim that their hind limbs are tipped with scoop-like claws that acts as shovels to carve into and push dirt and stone out of their way.  
Krethans most closely resemble giant centipedes, with segmented exoskeletons and pincer-like stingers at the end of their tails. Their heads join almost seamlessly with their necks, though they bear bony protrusions similar to a dragon's crest along their jaws and behind their eyes. Their mouths are much more akin to a reptile's than a bug's. Reports indicate that they can unhinge their jaws like snake and swallow huge amounts, though they seem to prefer biting and ripping their prey with their dozens of razor-sharp teeth.  
Few have seen a krethan's full form, but reports indicate that adult krethans vary in size from as small as fifteen spans to as large as thirty spans. No one is certain what determines the disparity in size, as few specimens have been studied closely enough to note down the differences. The largest krethan ever recorded was almost 40 spans long, and seemed no different from its brethren besides its ability to eat more explorers at one time.
Average Height
0.25 - 0.5m in diameter
Average Weight
750 - 1000kg
Average Length
6 - 10m
Geographic Distribution
Submitted for Summer Camp 2021. My Summer Camp 2021 Pledge


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