Mehethal flowers Material in Dain and Zea | World Anvil
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Mehethal flowers

Mehethal flowers are plants growing in nature exclusively in the Clearspring Meadows. Their name derives from a noble Erres family which controlled the Meadows. They are the main ingredient of an illegal hallucinogenic substance known as the Bloom.    Mehethal flowers grow in clusters of eight to ten, their stems are about 30cm long and curved almost 180 degrees. Instead of leaves, several dense collars of long cilia sprout in regular intervals. The flowers themselves are almost spherical, with eight to ten oblong petals forming deep, empty, upside-down chalices of red and purple.   Historically, the flowers were used as a basis for hallucinogenic incenses. The first people who identified the flowers among the more mundane species populating the Meadows, quickly noticed the pungent, sweet smell of overripe fruit they emanated. When agitated, the upside-down flowers released their content into the air, causing temporary psychoactive effects, ranging from sudden calmness, through dizziness, to loss of motor function. Live flowers are not necessary for the effects to occur. In fact, transplanting the flowers and cultivating them for a prolonged time proved very difficult. Instead, the early users simply collected and dried the petals to heat or burn them later in fragrant mixtures. With time and experience, the recipes for intended effects were slowly developed. Ingestion of the flowers is not recommended, as they are mildly toxic and can can cause death in children, sick or elderly.   The unique properties of the flowers could not be kept a secret for long. Large number of people tried to acquire the plants, through trade and theft both. Unfortunately for them, the flowers lose part of their properties when removed form the Clearspring Meadows. This means that either the soil or the water in the Meadows enable them to achieve their true form. While they grow outside their habitat, they do so slower, lose their vibrant colors, becoming rust brown, and usually produce fewer viable seeds than necessary to efficiently expand their number. They can still be refined into hallucinogenic substances like the Bloom, however their beneficial effects are less potent and more unpredictable, making the enterprise less profitable than desired. Despite that, there are some Bloom suppliers that boast of high purity of effects. The Voice, which is officially in control of the Meadows, is regularly offering rewards for information or arrests of peope involved in smuggling the native plants out of their habitat, as they need the flowers to prepare their [url"]Blessing.   An unintended consequence of illicit Mehethal flower trade was the discovery or creation of the Blinking Bee. The insect, never observed before in nature, was first seen during seizures of illegal plantations.


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