Clearspring Meadows Geographic Location in Dain and Zea | World Anvil
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Clearspring Meadows

The Clearspring Meadows surround the largest freshwater spring in the northern Erwy of the continent and are the place of origin of the Mehethal flowers.   In the center of the meadows lies a small lake, and an island where the spring is located. It flows in a slow stream, which by itself would be unable to replenish all the waters around it. Instead, there are several geysers located at the bottom of the lake, erupting in regular intervals with scalding hot water. The eruptions are visible form the surface as rapid bubbling, but no jets of water usually break the surface. Six wide streams escape the lake, spread like spokes of a wheel. They were manmade extensions, engineered in an attempt to extend the spread of the flowering meadows.   While the isle in the middle is barren, the lake is surrounded by a carpet of flowers. Among the more common tulips, violets and daffodils, rare Mehethal flowers bloom, filling the air with otherworldly scent. There is no pattern to the growth, but the colors seem interwoven in a hypnotic pattern and venturing too deep into the Meadows with no face covering, smelling salts or company is dangerous. Due to the unique qualities of the spring water and largely untouched ecosystem, the flowers do not cease to bloom in winter, as they long detached from the natural order and recalibrated their life cycle.   The Clearspring Meadows were originally in posession of the Mehethal family of the old Erres nobility. They protected the area the best they could, both as a wonder of nature and a source of fresh water for their community. They were aware of the hallucinogenic properties of the Mehethal flowers, which they named after themselves, but did not successfully profit off of them, instead cultivating and refining them for their own purposes.   This changed after The Unification War, as the two eldest sons of the family fell in battle and the main branch of the dynasty found itself on the brink of extinction. To retain their noble status, they needed to pay off debts and forge new alliances in the post-war world. After the Norwod Company refused to deal in narcotics, the Mehethal elders decided to give in to the Voice's insistent offers to acquire the area, after they promised to protect the natural environment of the Meadows and fight the spread of off-site Mehethal flower gardens. Now, the area is kept under lock and key by the Voice's Highest Choir, who gained complete control over the key ingredient necessary for the Blessing.


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