Purple people eaters
This legend or a myth is about a rare moth with large dimensions and purple wings.
A single one represents bad luck, an inminet death; a group, are a sign of the end cause can eat all the living beings and their carcass preventing even to trascend
A single one represents bad luck, an inminet death; a group, are a sign of the end cause can eat all the living beings and their carcass preventing even to trascend
This history have 3 keys components:
- War: One of the last battles that the giants and elfs do as allies have several deaths in the field, for both sides. Some believes the elf/giants won that day but history books don't are written that day. The thruth is a lot of bodies and blood fill the contryside.
- Large moths: A rare species of purple moths arrive and stay for days in the field. These are very unusual, the scholars believe they are atracted or even created by magic cause the size and the weird color of the wings.
- Scavengers: Several scavengers loot the field and, as all enterprises, need some leverage then the rumors begin.
Historical Basis
As all myths the battle was quite real and savage; several months pass and the smell, lingering magic and decaying bodies remains.
The same was for scavengers, of any race that look for salvage weapons, magical components, coins, body parts or any other valuable
Then a group of large moths take the place as a residence for a time, this rely exist and are very rare to the sight. Few sentient beings can say they saw one, far less a group.
The same was for scavengers, of any race that look for salvage weapons, magical components, coins, body parts or any other valuable
Then a group of large moths take the place as a residence for a time, this rely exist and are very rare to the sight. Few sentient beings can say they saw one, far less a group.
At first the rumor spred in human settlemens cause they start it.
As all things based in ignorance, fear or maybe good publicity; other races, travelers start to spred it in ther own comunities
As all things based in ignorance, fear or maybe good publicity; other races, travelers start to spred it in ther own comunities
Variations & Mutation
Few variations exist, but the core concept of the myth is constant: Large purple moths, purple bats or even more large eagles, but purple eat dead and alive persons.
Cultural Reception
The myth has very little importance this days but villas or cities with large burial grounds still remember it and even gravedigers and theri families use to Spit and honey bath as a ritual to avoid be eaten by the purple people eaters.
Date of First Recording
50 years before the alliance records
Date of Setting
50 years before the alliance records
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