Session 16: The Castle of Kestel Report Report in D&D | World Anvil

Session 16: The Castle of Kestel Report

Report by Campaign GM Shiftrex

General Summary

Due to the clever ruse of dumping Craea off during the race between a Dire Wolf and the horses of the guards Craea and Alexander Cross were able to enter the dungeon under the castle of Kestel. The rogue broke her tools initially, feeling a bit tense with the delicate situation so the vampire wizard repaired her tools and then rotted away the locking mechanism of the door before declaring there were six living creatures moving about in the lower dungeon. They moved downstairs and immediately ducked into the first cell to hide, here they found a large stone with a peculiar writing on it about the size of a trap door.    Those two remained hidden while the rest of the party cleverly lost their escorts while "looking" for Craea and they made their way to the lower dungeon. Here a battle took place where the torches of the dungeon were blown out, the rogue performed close quarters acrobatics while running up walls and the paladin blew soldiers to the side with immense power from her divine smites while the druid transformed into a small dragon. Zalkin and Iceworn flanked the enemy and they quickly overcame the guards. A single one moved to escape the dungeon as he held the keys and sought to alert the guards above ground but Alexander Cross stepped out from the cell where he had been hiding and promptly dragged the guard into a cell before emerging with the keys. When questioned he stated that he merely banished the guard for a short time.    With a little searching, they found the cell where Zandar the Night Guard commander was being held and with a little deciphering they understood the inscription on the stone door that kept him trapped. The use of a fire spell allowed them to enter and free the commander who promptly took them to a secret room where magical arms and armor were waiting for the party, he outfitted them all and they planned their next move to retake the castle from the dark cleric that was keeping the lord of Kestel under his control.

Rewards Granted

A variety of magical +1 armor and +1 main weapons for the party.

Character(s) interacted with

Zandar, A silver Dragonborn that has long been the Night Guard commander in the region of Kestel.
Report Date
20 Jan 2020


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