Cyberpunk time of the red 2023
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Night City holocaust, The Beginning of the Time of the Red.

  • Total breakdown of international trade. Container ship and air travel have been totally disrupted. Supplies and food sit on the docks worldwide, unable to reach stores, factories, or suppliers. Many Megacorps totally collapse.
  • August 20th, 2013: Night City holocaust. An incursion team led by Solo Morgan Blackhand and Rockerboy Johnny Silverhand attempt to steal/destroy the Arasaka Secure Database in the Arasaka Towers facility. During the assault, an area denial nuclear device is detonated, which destroys much of central Night City. Over half a million people are killed, and another quarter million die in the resulting aftermath. Militech is nationalized by U.S. President Elizabeth Kress by the expedient of reactivating Militech CEO Gen. Donald Lundee's reserve commission.
  • Beginning of the Time of the Red. Atmospheric particles from the nuclear blast in Night City, as well as debris from orbital rock strikes, conventional explosives, and the wartime burning and annihilation of cities and agricultural areas creates an eerie red pall over skies worldwide. For nearly two years, skies are tinged with a bloody red color, which eventually dies down to brilliant red sunrises and sunsets throughout the next decade.

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