Dhamin (Wood Elves) Species in Cyberfei | World Anvil

Dhamin (Wood Elves)

The Dhamin (IPA: /jemɪn/, common name Wood Elves) can be playful and airy people, but many mistake that for naivete -- mistakenly so. They are friendly and spiritual people, but wise and fierce when it is required of them and adept in nature magics. Among the first to approach and live with humans during the Uprising, they are generally found aiding farmers and animal shelters and would rather stay out of conflict altogether. Highly spiritual and traditional, they travel in clans and uphold centuries-old traditions that to others can seem ‘savage’ or primitive, but they are a highly intelligent and sensitive people who will protect their own and those like them to the death.

Basic Information


Wood Elves tend to wildly vary in height, but are generally the smallest and slimmest in stature (though larger, stockier Wood Elves have been witnessed). Their features are softest of all the elves, with round and almond shaped eyes and soft faces with few hard edges. Their ears are shorter pointed than Quealin, but longer than Civin , and can be straight or curved. Their hair is usually any colour found in nature, especially browns, pinks and greens.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Wood Elves only adopted the use of clothing when negotiations with humanity began, and thus their dress is usually patched together crudely from pieces of fabric and incredibly minimal. They do not wear as much jewellery as other elven races, but prefer to wear symbolic face paints and body modifications such as scarifications and implants.

Cover image: by created with Adobe Spark


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