Beflan Language in Cury Planet | World Anvil
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Beflan (/ɓɛˈfla/)

Beflan is one of the languages of Cury.  

Natively known as: befla /ɓɛˈfla/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
ni du kim shablal mpetty dhill ni mbwo mpetty nguvi re it jor
Pronunciation: /ni ɗu kim ʃaˈɓlal mpɛttj ðill ni mbwɔ mpɛttj ŋguˈvi rɛ it ʄɔr/
Beflan word order: and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face the wind to  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: b d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x z ð ŋ ɓ ɗ ɠ ɣ ɲ ʃ ʄ ʤ ʧ θ  
Stopp bt dk gq
Affricateʧ ʤ
Fricativef vθ ðs zʃx ɣh
Lateral approximantl
  Co-articulated phonemes  
  Vowel inventory: a i u ɔ ɛ  
  Syllable structure: Custom defined ?
Stress pattern: Ultimate — stress is on the last syllable ?   Spelling rules:  


  Main word order: Subject Verb Object (Prepositional phrase). “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary opened the door with a key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: postpositions ?  


SingularNo affix
vyun /vjun/ dog
PluralPrefix i-
ivyun /iˈvjun/ dogs


Definitemcho /mʧɔ/ the
Indefiniteswe /swɛ/ a, some
  Uses of definite article that differ from English:
  • Definite article can be omitted: ‘I am going to supermarket’
  • Not used for mass (uncountable) nouns: ‘Walking in the mud’ would always translate to ‘Walking in mud’.
  Uses of indefinite article that differ from English:
  • Not used for non-specific countable nouns: non-specific means ‘I am looking for a (any) girl in a red dress’, whereas specific means ‘I am looking for a (particular) girl in a red dress’
  • Not used for non-specific mass (uncountable) nouns: non-specific means ‘Would you like some (any) tea?’ whereas specific means ‘Some tea (a specific amount) fell off the truck’


1st singularmkah /mkah/ I, me, mine
2nd singularchi /ʧi/ you, yours
3rd singular mascdu /ɗu/ he, him, his, it, its
3rd singular femnnusy /nnusj/ she, her, hers, it, its
1st plural inclusivenywa /ɲwa/ we (including you), us (including you), ours (including you)
1st plural exclusiveyitty /jittj/ we (excluding you), us (excluding you), ours (excluding you)
2nd pluralbigh /ɓiɣ/ you all, yours (pl)
3rd pluralnnon /nnɔn/ they, them, theirs

Possessive determiners

1st singularswu /swu/ my
2nd singulargugh /ɠuɣ/ your
3rd singular mascmpetty /mpɛttj/ his
3rd singular femwe /wɛ/ her
1st plural inclusivesot /sɔt/ our (including you)
1st plural exclusivesat /sat/ our (excluding you)
2nd pluralwit /wit/ your (pl)
3rd pluralchu /ʧu/ their


1st personPrefix ʄɔ-
jomnyim /ʄɔmˈɲim/ (I/we) learn/learned/will learn
2nd personPrefix ri-
rimnyim /rimˈɲim/ (you) learn/learned/will learn
3rd personPrefix mɔ-
momnyim /mɔmˈɲim/ (he/she/it/they) learn/learned/will learn
  Beflan uses a standalone particle word for past tense:
PastParticle before the verb: kisj -
kisy mnyim /kisj mɲim/ learned
  Beflan uses a standalone particle word for future tense:
FutureParticle before the verb: pɔ -
po mnyim /pɔ mɲim/ will learn

Imperfective aspect

  The ‘imperfective’ aspect refers to ongoing actions, such as I am learning and habitual actions, such as I learn (something new every day).
Beflan uses an affix for imperfective:  
ImperfectivePrefix nda-
ndamnyim /ndamˈɲim/ learns/is learning

Perfect aspect

  The perfect aspect in English is exemplified in ‘I have read this book’, which expresses an event that took place before the time spoken but which has an effect on or is in some way still relevant to the present.
Beflan uses an affix for the perfect aspect:  
PerfectChange all X* to __
mnyimmnyim /mɲimmˈɲim/ have learned


  Beflan has a base-10 number system:   1 - mva
2 - kot
3 - yih
4 - ur
5 - ya
6 - na
7 - njoss
8 - bishekh
9 - bigh
10 - nnuh
Hundred - sigh
Thousand - mesy  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = If starts with vowel: Prefix m-
Else: Prefix mu-
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -nt
Else: Suffix -ɔnt
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -rʧ
Else: Suffix -ɔrʧ
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Suffix -ɔl
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Suffix -i
Noun to verb = If starts with vowel: Prefix v-
Else: Prefix vi-
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ɗɛ
Else: Suffix -aɗɛ
Tending to = Suffix -attj
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Prefix hu-
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Suffix -ɛ
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If starts with vowel: Prefix umj-
Else: Prefix umja-
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Prefix va-
Diminutive = If ends with vowel: Suffix -lmi
Else: Suffix -ɔlmi
Augmentative = If starts with vowel: Prefix mv-
Else: Prefix mvu-
Maker = Suffix -a
Beflan Library
One of the rooms in a majestic Beflan library.


3141 Words.
Beflan Name Generator
Beflan Tome
The cover of an aging Beflan book of legend.

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