Rapid onset cellular hemorrhaging leading to mass epidermal rupturing, quickly leading to physical instability and subsequent death. Phlyght is deadly, works too quickly to be curable, and is responsible for the end of the world.
The only treatment that's ever been observed to work was to hack off the initial infection site, but it spreads so quickly even that's unreliable.
Transmission & Vectors
The cause is Phyte, the black fog which encroaches on the world. It consists of a chemical compound which is incredibly caustic to the sentient species on Cultivo.
Regardless of the species, Phlyght begins in the same way, an oily black stain on the skin at the point of transmission. This stain spreads rapidly across the infected. From here, the symptoms diverge depending on species.
In Suevirans, the infected skin loses its structural integrity and begins bulging due to internal pressure. The bulges then begin protruding from the body until they are torn from it. When the infection spreads to the Sueviran's Nexus, it spreads across it like a spiderweb of black inky tendrils. These tendrils burrow into the Nexus, causing the hard material to become brittle, fracture, and finally shatter.
In Espuna, the infection spreads through the skin to the nervous system, traveling along the highway of amplified nerve cells. As it does, it begins to dissolve these cells, liquefying them. This results in paralysis from the point of contact, quickly followed by heart failure and/or brain death.
In Bakdreskr, the infected skin begins hemorrhaging liquids. Blood and water flow from ruptures in the skin, the affected area shriveling as it dries. This continues until the entire body is a brittle, desiccated husk.
The only known treatment is to hack off the infected area before it spreads to the rest of the body. This is incredibly difficult to do, as the infection spreads swiftly.
The prognosis for any infected individual is almost uniformly fatal. Only a handful of individuals have survived infection, due to quick response to it.
Hosts & Carriers
Roughers and Toughers carry it, Roughers through their bloodstream, and Toughers through its capillaries, fruits, and nuts. Otherwise it's simply the caustic fog.
Don't touch the fog. Don't come in contact with Phyte, Roughers, or Toughers.
Phlyght emerged with the Phyte, the deadly condition making it so that even a moment's contact with the Phyte spells certain death.
Chemical Compound
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