Cthone: An Outline Geographic Location in Cthone | World Anvil
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Cthone: An Outline

Made my Erik in Photoshop from an NPR graphic on Pangea (see footnote for direct link)
Tearing through the brush, branches sharp with leaves whipping at your face...   Sifting through the sand, feet sinking in, threatening to swallow you whole...   Arms up, pulling the tan rock down below your head as the cliff side becomes shorter by the moment...   Knees clack, your shoes unable to grip at the displaced snow as icy thorns snap around you...   Your fingers an eclipse, the bright portal to Hell itself open before you...   Disgusting are the Great Dolan Marshes, their reeds and cat's tails littered with tales darker than you or I could stomach. Great is The Rift, ever deepening, ever widening, unable to be stopped, a foil for the hubristic. Lonely is the Desert of Phaimmar, shifting its sands like the waves on the sea. Chilled is the Far Reach Bridge, icicles of red drooping over the ancient stonework, melting onto the ships below as they pass.   Everything is what you expect, and everything is amplified. It was created for you, for us. It has done all it can to be the things we wanted, we needed, we desired, we pursued. Priorities shifted, rattled around, clashed against each other. Some never resolved, some are still underway, and others are being undercut as we speak, weary traveler. But a shift in priorities does not a Shift make, and sooner or later they'll figure that out, and who knows what they'll decide to do next.   When Cthone evokes, you must react or perish. Like me. So far.


The world of Cthone has, as worlds do, the multitude of biomes, textures, and features one would expect of a habitable planet. It is remarkable in its landscapes, its peoples, its stories, and even in what lurks beneath the crust under every foot, hoof, paw, tarsus, fin, slime, and hovering mass of flesh.
Heavily adapted in photoshop from an NPR article about Pangea: https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2013/09/13/pangea_politik_archive.jpg

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Author's Notes

This is the placeholder until I get the time to make it in Hexographer :D

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