
The Rail-Gun, also known simply as a Rail, is the standard model physical round projectile wielded by many forces in services to the Kings or others. The Standard Knight Marine pattern Rail-Gun magnetics to launch or "fire" twenty millimeter slugs that have proven an effective standard for both armor and flesh, though special issue explosive ammunition has been developed for special forces. Developed for the Knight Marines by Rak and Barkmis, the Rail-Gun is difficult for most normal humanoids to wield without physical training to deal with the recoil. This stands doubly so for traditionally smaller races such as the Gnomes, Dwarves, and Kobolds.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

A smaller secondary magnetic slide loads the round into the chamber, the primary magnetic slide uses two rails to launch the round at high speed.


The history of the Rail-Gun, and Rail Weapons in general, dates far back to the long lost years of the World-That-Was, during the first War of Want. The sentimental reason for its creation is to serve as a weapon and a symbol of honor and respect, from Rak and Barkmis, to Hosac and Ehziamash for their creation. The more pragmatic reason behind its creation is that the war demanded it. While the war caused the industrialization of many aspects, such as the production of power armor and Las-Weapons, the reliance on primarily energy weapons gave the Ruinous Powers an advantage to capitolize on. An advantage that they pressed any and everywhere they could.   The first deployment of Rail-Guns was by the Tekkanaka of the Machine Gods, Barkmis and Rak. Headfirst the Fiends ran into volleys and sweeping arcs of Las fire and blades, nearly ignoring it, as they had been made nearly immune to it. Just before the Fiends struck, the Tekkanaka brought the new weapons to bare, showing for every bit resistant they were to energy weapons, they were equally lacking against physical weapons. With this initial success, Rail-Weapons went into mass production for immediate use by the Knight Marines. Since then, the Machine Gods shared the means and secrets of making rail-weapons with the other Gods and allies in the Free Peoples and Serdemar Empire.   Since then each god and then Crystal King has made their own pattern of Rail-Gun, though most differences between the Kingly models are purely cosmetic.


The significance of the Rail-Gun is indisputable as the iconic weapon of the Knight Marines. A symbol of wrath and vengeance for those that do and do not wield it.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Creation Date
During the First War of Want, back in World-That-Was.
Rail-Guns can vary wildly in rarity, from everyday run of the mill to those being provably the oldest being considered nigh priceless artifacts. That said, even the basic Rail-Gun is a rare sight for most civilian populations. Most often the rarest and most venerated of Rail-Guns are kept under control of the Knight Marine Legions or mortal forces that wielded them, or pilfered as a battlefield treasure for trade or a prized possession.


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