Axarta Character in Crystal Kings | World Anvil


King, King Dragon Axarta Metallica (a.k.a. Swordscale, The Scaled King, The Steel)

Known as the Scaled King to his enemies and King Dragon Axarta to his peoples, the ruler of the nation of Mithlonde has undoubtedly earned the support and love of his peoples. Though he and his people have been stranded since traveling through the World-Gate to the planet of Gattic, Axarta has refused to allow his people to wallow in their isolation from the Platicalex Empire. Despite being the only surviving dragon of the original colonists, Axarta works to ensure that his people can rejoin the Platicalex Empire with their heads held high, and with the gift of a world united in devotion Crystal King Humbata. Until then, they remain unable to use the World-Gate due to an Otherworldy-Storm rendering them unable to connect to the network.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In human form, Axarta is tall and lean, but muscular, and while not the most agile of beings, he is far hardier and stronger than any Dragonborn or Human in Mithlonde. In his draconic form, he is still lean, for a dragon, however he towers over his subjects as any dragon his age should.

Identifying Characteristics

Human Form it is his steel grey eyes and freckles, while in his draconic form, it is that his wings look like they are feathered with blades.

Special abilities

As with all True Dragons, Axarta grows larger and stronger with age and possesses an elemental breath weapon along with the supernatural draconic presence that instills fear on those around him. He can fly and hover at will while thanks to his strong claws and acid breath he can burrow throne stone like paper, and possesses darkvision and senses strong enough to effectively see even if blinded. Like other Precious Metal Dragons of his breed, Axarta is immune to acids and resistant to poisons and magic, and wields a secondary breath in the form of poisonous gas. Any alternate form he chooses to polymorph into is as powerful as his true dragon form in all but size. He can also manipulate his supernatural presence to charm people or fade from their notice, alongside the usual instilling terror.   Thanks to books left to him by his teachers, he has also learned some secret dragon magics, such as animating his breath into a golem or imbuing it into both his and his allies strikes or sharing with them his elemental and magical resistance. Beyond the secret teachings in the books, Axarta is granted aditional abilities by Palkia and Dialga, his sword and crown. The sword Palkia grants him the ability to cast small swath of spells and can be summoned to his hand while refusing to leave it unless it is his will. Dialga, his crown, grants him the spellcasting power over nature normally wielded by the druids who grew the crown.

Apparel & Accessories

His usual dress consists of a simple pair of trousers and shirt beneath a dark blue robe with intricate gold patterns going down all but the arms. For footwear it is a pair of finely crafted and enchanted boots, make from supple leather and synthetic material.

Specialized Equipment

There are three pieces of gear that are for Axarta alone, each from a different source.
  1. Palkia, Sword of the King: Forged during the period of prosperity prior to the War of Birth, using blood from Axarta and his fellow dragons, Palkia was originally meant to be in the hands of a mortal humanoid chosen by Axarta and his fellow dragons. After the end of the War of Birth, the Kingdom of Mithlonde was founded and Palkia willed to Axarta by the peoples of the newborn kingdom. As the last of the six dragons, only Axarta and those chosen by him can wield the sword's powers.
  2. Dialga, Crown of Mithlonde: While Palkia was forged in metal, Dialga was grown in wood. Before being planted, the seed was ritually blessed. once planted, it was fed on enchanted water and several drops of the caretaking druids and Axarta's blood. Once the crown was grown, it was presented to Axarta, who wears it proudly. The powers of Dialga can only be granted through a small blood sacrifice and the blessing of Axarta.
  3. Giratina, The King's Signet Ring: This ring is unique among the three in that it is the only item Axarta has directly commissioned, though a twin was made in secret by his wishes. The Giratina rings act as his signet and wedding band, and grants him a small defensive boon. It is not Axarta's, but the twin that grants the greater powers, granting the bearer a portion of Axarta's power and allowing them to know where the other ring bearer is at will.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Axarta's story begin not on the world of Gattic, but on the impossibly far away Rubicalex, glorious capitol city of the Platicalex Empire. His egg was but one of many in a single clutch laid with a purpose granted by Crystal King Humbata. Like many others, his clutch would all be separated into new groups, with each of these groups to go with a force of colonists, to take the places of power in society in the newly established settlement. To ensure that the settlement, along with the dragons, grow as a loyal and functioning part of Platicalex. Like many others, the colony force passed through the World-Gate, stepping off of one world and stepping on to another, traveling uncountable lightyears in two to three steps.   As per Platicalex laws, Axarta was meant to be the Wyrm-Lord of Teachers and Scientists for the Gattic colony, though fate would see differently. Of his clutch, he was the last to hatch, with those in charge of overseeing the eggs until hatching worrying that his become foul or stoned*. As soon as Axarta began to hatch, the colony force departed from Platicalex to Gattic, and a month after that, misfortune had struck. An Otherworldy-Storm broke out in the space around the planet, cutting their World-Gate from any others for the storms' duration. Undeterred, the Draconic leaders of the colony lead people, using the thought of how and what to do to survive without Platicalex Support, to ignore the question of if they are.   While being completely cut off from their old home brought them difficulties, the true hardship was yet to start. Until then, time passed in quiet and piece, Axarta and the colony, named Nucalex, continued growing for the next fifty years in peace and posterity thanks to the leadership of the other Dragons. Mithlonde the Silver, Nurothrim the Gold, Valandra the Osmium, Thalanach the Iridium, and Mornnur the Ruthenium, each taking part in leading Nucalex and educating Axarta during this period. This time of peace came to an end when Nucalex expanded eastward, beyond its secluded valley and out of the range they had come to call the Doorway Mountains, encountering Orc nation of Orthura. Though they tried speaking peacefully with the Orcs, it quickly became evident that the only interaction they desired was violence, leading into the bloody War of Birth.   Despite his desire to join the others in battle, Axarta did as his elders said, avoiding open conflicts and guarding civilians where necessary. Over the course of the war, one by one the other dragons, each of them a brother or a sister, and teacher, fell in battle. Fortunately, it was the last death that ended the war, and for that sacrifice, survives named to newborn nation after Mithlonde the Silver, the savior, the beloved. Shortly after the war's conclusion, in the year 4890 A.O.K., the humanoid leaders of the colony survivors named Axarta their leader and gifted him Palkia, and with his leadership, the Kingdom of Mithlonde was established from the ashen ruins of war. Though now without the advise of his lost kin, Axarta determined to not let them down and see their original mission through.   The next threes years went by in relative peace and quite, with the biggest even of the decade being the final melting of the ice over Orthura's ruined capital. With the ice gone, Axarta and his people began building the capitol of Mithlonde atop the ruins, naming the city Nurothrim, in honor of Nurothrim the Gold. For all Mithlondens, the breaking of ground on the ruins of Urth was a momentous event. A literal and physical way to build something new and good from the ruins of war. Men working to clear rubble and map the sewers benearth ruined Urth discovered a hidden underground area, a cave-in likely buried the real entrance wile opening another, news of what they found inside brought directly to Axarta.   As it had been told to Axarta, a group of five men climbed down into the chamber through the hole in its roof, all seemed well for the first few minutes. Faintly at first, then quickly growing loud came screaming and running. As the screaming men ran closer, their voices fell silent, one by one, with the last going silent just at the edge of the light. Axarta knew this was not an issue that could be allowed to fester and so put his mind to work on a plan. He was young and inexperienced, and he felt he needed to handle it personally to prove himself, though Axarta knew his people would approve of him putting himself in danger.   Axarta gathered ten of Mithlonde's elite Esper Knights to act as his guards for the venture into the dark. Once they were armed and armored, Axarta and his guards descended into the chamber, confidence pouring like water from the dragon, dousing the flames of the concerned council in his mind. Once on solid footing, they began to search for the bodies of the men in hopes that they could provide evidence of the killers' identity. They searched the entire large rectangular chamber, finding only a few smears of blood and two doors in each wall, save for one having three, the blood being no wear near enough to account for five bodies worth. A group of twenty Mithlonden Guard were brought down to hold the chamber while Axarta and his bodyguard continued the search for the bodies or a clue to their assailants.   The first passageway they searched was the middle of the three doors, proceeding forward until their path was abruptly cut short, fifteen steps forward and a sharp right turn into a rubble filled doorway. Upon retracing their steps, Axarta and his entourage went down the right of the three doors. After fifteen minutes of walking, the sound of las-fire could be heard as panicked voices asked for help over the comnet** as foes poured out of all but two passageways. Axarta's Esper Knights ushered him back the way they came as four of their number turned to face the stepped running towards them out of the darkness. A full scale battle seemed to be going on as the Mithlonden Guard desperately switched between pouring fire into the strangely pale Orcs charging them and reloading charge packs into their Las-guns. Once the sound of fighting began, Axarta's Knight Marine Lord, Ivaltus, ordered every knight Marine at Nurothrim to mobilize immediately.   For nearly fifteen minutes the battle raged as Ivaltus the Knight Marines assembled to descend and join the battle in force. Just before they could join, A roar filled the air as the ground shook once before the hole exploded open, throwing the Knight Marines back. Up into the sky went the roaring King, the roaring Dragon, and grasped in one claw was what looked to be a very pale and old Orc that quickly began to burn in the sun. Axarta waited for the ash to blow away before landing and resuming his human guise, allowing the Esper Knights to collect themselves and form ranks. Even the mighty and proud dragon hung his head as he informed Ivaltus that he was the only survivor, an example of what the pride and arrogance of a leader could do to his followers, and example he would not let himself forget.   With the Vampire and its spawn dead, the underground area was fully explored and mapped as the construction of Nurothrim continued on without interruption. In the two weeks following the incident, Axarta was made to rest and recover from his wounds. He passed the time by conversing with his nurses, doctors, and by planning a memorial of some kind for those lost underground. It was during this time that Axarta met Aphala, and during their talks, he found that he came come to desire her presence. Axarta would come to spend more and more of his free time with her, until five years later, when he commissioned the Giratina Rings that he would use to propose to her.   It would come to pass that another two years would pass before they were wed in a nation wide celebration. As a surprise, during the ceremony, Aphala presented him with a gift from the people of Mithlonde, a wooden crown with a single blue stone embedded in it, that Axarta would come to call Dialga. While the wedding itself was a relatively short ceremony, it would be celebrated for three more days and nights across the kingdom. Two months later, Axarta and Aphala announced her pregnancy to the kingdom, and though none was planned by the state, festivities were held for two days and nights over the announcement. The birth of Bivelle, the kings' first child and daughter was likewise celebrated, though this time Axarta and Aphala did not partake in the celebrations.   Time marched on for the dragon and his kingdom, with it both Bivelle and Mithlonde grew, the girl in height and weight while the kingdom expanded east and northward. In both directions they reached the beach, while in the east they were met by the Doorway mountains that ended north facing cliffs overlooking the sea. Mountaineers began exploring the northeastern end of the mountain-range as the King and his peoples looked to the untamed south. Axarta had learned the error of rushing in unprepared, and so had his people take their time preparing an expedition into the unknown. Unfortunately the expedition was postponed, for just before they could embark on the journey, reports had come that Giants had followed the mithlonden explorers put of the mountains and had begun attacking and raiding.   Axarta ordered Mithlonden forces into action to deal with the threat of the Giants. Despite his expressed desire to do so, Axarta followed Ivaltu's wishes


In both human and his true draconic form, he is a heterosexual male.


Until the start of the War of Birth, Axarta's education was overseen by the five older dragons of the colony. Since their deaths, Axarta uses private tutelage on subjects in wich he is not already learned.


As the last surviving dragon sent with the colony, the peoples felt it right to honor the wishes of the martyr Mithlonde, and so named Axarta as the King Dragon of the new born kingdom of Mithlonde.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Though not openly, there are those that believed the first of Axarta's accomplishments was surviving the War of Birth, however, time itself alone has all but wiped out that train of thought. In truth, his first accomplishment keeping the survivors together and alive long enough to rebuild the colony of Nucalex into the Kingdom of Mithlonde.

Failures & Embarrassments

Axarta believes that the people that died fighting the vampires beneath the ruins of Urth is a failure in his leadership and judgement.

Personality Characteristics


He desires to unite to world of Gattica and reconnect with the Platicalex Empire.


Axarta enjoys staying clean and presentable, and has no issue using magic to help keep himself and his clothes clean.

Wealth & Financial state

As king of Mithlonde, Axarta has unlimited access to the nations' wealth. Despite that access, he does not use it for himself. For personal funds, Axarta makes a enough to live comfortably by selling individual scales for jewelry and charms and the like.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Axarta was made King of Mithlonde since he was the last surviving Dragon sent with the colony.
Date of Birth
183 A.O.C. (4817) on the Kings' Calender
Year of Birth
183 AOC 1183 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
born as a part of multiple clutches of eggs meant for different future positions of power in Platicalex colonies and settlements..
(human form) round eyes with steel grey Iris and pupil.
(Human form) Long raven black hair kept in a single braid.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
(human form) Fair with freckles
(human form) 6'5"
(human form) 210 lb.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Axarta can read, speak, and write Draconic and common. To aid in the war effort he learned Orc, though he has had next to no reason to use it after the end of the war.
*Stoned: Dragons eggs that have died and completely calcified. **Comnet: short for Communicator Network


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