Freezy-Breezy Character in Crundle | World Anvil


Freezy-Breezy is a goblin ice mage who heads the Leichtwiderlich Clan of goblins and holds a seat on the Council of Bizarromancers. He lives in Cloister Winterside- specifically, in the caves beneath the lodge, where he stores his collection of anime memes.

Physical Description

Freezy, like most goblins of his clan, is short, sharp-nosed, and very pale, with gangly limbs and pointy ears. Notably, he also has perpetual bags under his eyes from long nights spent awake in the Meme Vault. He wears a signature blue parka and wields the Gauntlet of Silliness.

Personality & Traits

Freezy is amicable enough, if very reclusive. As his clan name suggests, he is vaguely unkempt and slobbish, but tidier than his clanmates by a considerable margin. He has an ongoing feud with the God of Sleep, and thus is always in various stages of exhaustion ranging from tired to gibbering insomniac madness.

Powers & Abilities

In addition to the wintry magicks granted by his ice mage status, Freezy has the ability to summon a bear with a lute, though the bear only knows how to play Pump It by the Black-Eyed Peas and exists solely for the duration of the song.
Aligned Organization
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