Anise D. Silverclaw Character in Crossroad Realms | World Anvil
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Anise D. Silverclaw

Lady Anise

Anise was raised in a holy order of knight, not knowing where she came from originally. Circumstances caused her to leave the order, the woman seeking a place she could belong and be acknowledged. For years she lived in Valaura, a home of sin where she learned to accept herself, even the parts that weren't accepted by society. Eventually, circumstances caused her to be banished from the world of Valaura. She moved into the Crossroad Realm, taking up residence at the Dead End Tavern. Anise had claimed the magical structure for her own purposes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's fit and toned from years of training, martial arts, and fighting. She takes great pride in her physical condition.

Body Features

She has moon-kissed pale skin, standing at five foot three. Though she is relatively short, she has nice proportions with wide hips and an ample rear. Her bust is modest. Her sleek black hair comes past her knees and her only overly feminine aspect in human form.

Facial Features

High cheekbones, with a strong jawline.

Identifying Characteristics

She had a tribal-like birthmark on her inner thigh. Piercing, metallic silver eyes.

Special abilities

  • Water control~ Manipulating any fluids at will, even blood. She can also freeze the water she manipulates.
  • Intuition~ Exceptional instincts and reflexes, sensing danger or attacks without seeing, hearing or otherwise physical sensing them.
  • Transformation~ A beautiful winged-beast form used to increase all powers. Once within this form, strength, speed, endurance all increase while gaining the ability to fly. Her claws have the ability to slice through any material. The exception is armor or material made or imbued with the element of lightning. She also can not cut sentient weapons.
  • Curse of Immortality - Given to her by her mate due to her reckless nature and ability to get herself into trouble.
  • Sense of Smell - She has a hyper sense of smell that allows her to sense things without being able to see or hear them.

Apparel & Accessories

She likes to wear black, leather and corsets. Usually her style has a punk feel to it with studs and spikes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anise grew up in a place where she was never good enough. The order made it known she was not one of them, and no matter how great she did, she was never praised. Feeling repressed and confined, Anise left to seek a place where she'd be accepted. She did. There, thanks to the help of her beloved Ix, she also learned to accept herself.

Gender Identity

She indentifies as female, but wholely accepts her masculine qualities.


Irrelevant. She's in love with and loyal only to Ix. Ix is genderless.


Raised in a virtuous order of knights, she learned the code of chivalry and martial arts.

Failures & Embarrassments

In one of the worlds she'd traveled too, she took up the role of a paladin and chose to become a guardian to a deity named Benevolence. She made several mistakes and lost his favor. The world was destroyed before she could redeem herself and she still regrets being unable to regain his trust.   She's recently struggled with self-esteem issues and self-worth because of failures and the judgment of others. After having time to recuperation from her sorrow and disappointment she became ashamed of allowing herself to fall so far.

Mental Trauma

She's terrified of lightning and will often bulk or freeze when confronted with it.   Because of her past being raised without praise despite her many accomplishments, she had a near-obsessive need for validation. It is a flaw she's still trying to overcome.

Morality & Philosophy

She believes in honor, respect, and chivalry. It's recently come to her attention that she's has a neutral take on things. Anise is not 'good' or 'evil', falling somewhere in the middle with a tendency to swing either direction depending on circumstances.   While she believes in respect, she does not believe in blindly submitting to other's views, opinions or rules even if they are stronger than her. So long as their views are not oppressive or being forced on her or others she'll accept and acknowledge them even when disagreeing. However, if someone uses their power to force their thoughts on others, or to try and make her submit, she will stand against them.


She's a masochist and enjoys the thrill of battle and danger. The more dangerous a situation, the more elated she can become.

Personality Characteristics


Anise wants to create a haven for any and all in the Dead End Tavern. A place where the rejected, misunderstand and those unaccepted in other worlds can be true to themselves.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She's tenuous and doesn't stand down when challenged.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ambidexterious, loyal, conviction, determination, tolerant.

Vices & Personality flaws

Temper, not good with magic, impetuous, violent, she has a pathological need for outside validation.

Personality Quirks

She growls when angry. She often tilts her head up and sniffs the air to pick up scents.


She is always clean using water manipulation to keeps her self-clean and enjoys bathing. She like things to be organized but will neglect it if more important matters demand her attention.
Current Location
Current Residence
She has intense metallic silver eyes. The irises are rimmed with black and if she gets angry enough the pupils will narrow to slits.
In her human form, her hair is a long, luscious raven black. She almost always keeps it pulled up in a high pony tail to keep it out of the way. Her bangs are long and layered to frame her face.
Known Languages
Common, Partial Sylvian
Ruled Locations


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