Tsum - Prosaic Spell in Crossed Energies World | World Anvil

Tsum - Prosaic (t'Soom)

The magic that anyone can use, if they know how...

Basic Spell and Books

Spellbinders of this realm have basic spells book to help guide them on creating their own recipes. Like a cookbook, basic spell book will give the spell wielder basic instructions and ingredients for various types of simple spells.

Various spell-books are associated with any number of schools, guilds, organizations and there even familial spell-books passed down from generation to generation.

There are over the counter (OTC) and prescription (Rx) spells that can be purchased by the general populous.

Tsum is a little like Alternative Medicines are now, but with a little more scientific research and backing. Though there are some 'questionable magic' that works, but cannot be completely verified as to why it does work.

Tsum [Prosaic]

The most basic of Magics, but not necessarily the easiest.
The SpellBinder uses components or essences for the spell they want to cast. SpellBinders can have unique combinations of components to create many effects.

Tsum Text used for Spells


  • ArcheType: Avarice & Generosity
  • Attributes: Energy & Wisdom
These determine the numbers of Spells available and Realm Resistance

Spell Specialty Skills

  • Passive Self: ...explain what these spells are and do...
  • Passive Others:...explain what these spells are and do...
Spell Specialty Skills give the SpellBinder increased proficiency in these areas of spell casting.

· May have player roll for Magic Realm later
· There are "schools", Guilds and "outcasts" (individuals or small groups that have learned and will teach, at a price, 'forbidden' or 'unusual' magic)


Author's Notes

..I wonder if I should layout some "basic spells" and "basic components" · I think yes ** Author Notes ** ○ "Common Magic" ○ Area, species and planet specific · May have player roll for Magic Realm later · There are "schools", Guilds and "outcasts" (individuals or small groups that have learned and will teach, at a price, 'forbidden' or 'unusual' magic)   Divine - Channeling Prosaic - Essence Psionic - Mentalism Aether - Combination of all three

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