Qylm - Psionics Spell in Crossed Energies World | World Anvil

Qylm - Psionics (Kelm)

Basic Spells and Books

Spellbinders of this realm gain their Spells from mental powers, which can be amplified by specific training or 'devices'. There are many different Pantheons for different Species and planets, and many artifacts of varying power.
There are not many Spell books as Qylm is mostly controlled through actual training of the mental abilities.
Some individuals try to hide any Qylm abilities as those who have strong abilities are sought after by many groups. Qylm Tests are administered at earlier ages in many cultures, and those who show promise are enrolled into schools and trained to use their abilities.


Some examples of Qylm Abilities:

Empathy - The ability to feel the emotions of others directly with only the use of the mind.

Telepathy - The ability to transmit, know, and manipulate thoughts with only the use of the mind.

Clairsentience - The ability to perceive the astral/ethereal world with the use of the physical senses.

Clairvoyance - The ability to see things at a distance without the use of physical sight initially; remote viewing can be another term for clairvoyance; this ability can apply to both the physical and/or astral/ethereal world.

Precognition - The ability to see into the future through indirect perception; However since the exact future is not perceivable due to the fact that the future is always changing, it is highly unlikely to ever get an exact image of what is to come. This is why the author uses the phrase “indirect perception” to define this ability.

Retrocognition - The ability to see into the past through direct perception. Since the past has already taken place, it is possible that one would get an exact perception of the past; this is why the author uses the phrase “direct perception” to define the ability.

Channeling - The ability to receive a spiritual entity; automatic writing falls under this as well.

Astral Projection - The ability to project one’s astral/ethereal form away from the physical world.

Telekinesis - The ability to move objects with only the use of the mind.

Pyrokinesis - The ability to manipulate heat with the use of the mind.

Electrokinesis - The ability to manipulate electrical fields with only the use of the mind.

Magnokinesis - The ability to manipulate magnetic fields with only the use of the mind.

Photokinesis - The ability to manipulate light with only the use of the mind.

Hydrokinesis - The ability to manipulate water with only the use of the mind.

Aerokinesis - The ability to manipulate air with only the use of the mind.

Vitakinesis - The ability to heal mentally and/or physically with only the use of the mind.

Latrosis - The ability to heal physical condition with only the use of the mind.

Mentatis - The ability to heal mental condition with only the use of the mind.

Algesis - The ability to harm physically with only the use of the mind.

Quantakinesis - The ability to manipulate certain homeostatic and inherited internal characteristics in the body with only the use of the mind.

Sensory Empathy - The ability to know the emotions and internal physical state of others with only the use of the mind.

Qylm [Psionics]

Abilities derived from mental capacities.
The SpellBinder uses mental training rituals, spoken, meditated and/or physical, to perform the spell they want to cast. SpellBinders usually learn these methods through some type of an organization, be it religious or otherwise.

Qylm Text used for Spells


  • ArcheType: VainGlory& Humility
  • Attributes: Charisma & Will Power
These determine the numbers of Spells available, and Realm Resistance.

Spell Specialty Skills

  • Pneuma: ...explain what these spells are and do...
  • Defense Self/Others: ...explain what these spells are and do...
Spell Specialty Skills give the SpellBinder increased proficiency in these areas of spell casting.


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