Dancemistress Orleana Trelira Character in Crol | World Anvil

Dancemistress Orleana Trelira

Dancemistress Orleana Trelira

Dancemistress Orleana is the representative of the Imperial Conservatory to the Court. She is a long and close observer of the Heart of Ilkana and has advised several Emperors as they navigated the rocky waters of Ilkani politics.   As Mistress of the Conservatory, she oversees the instruction of children from all of the Great Houses in the political cut and thrust of daily life in the Empire, as well as the graceful arts of courtly dancing. For those rare few with the talent and who approach her with appropriate humility, or who she sees will have need of the skill, she teaches the deadlier arts of blade and duel.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender and lithe as are all Ilkani. The fact that she is the oldest living Ilkani is in no way reflected in her movements or voice.

Apparel & Accessories

Favors elegant and simple dress that runs counter to Imperial fashion. Her gowns are very formal and conservative, white in color, without adornment, and showing no flesh save at the hands and feet. Her mask is a simple domino of black and white, and is her nod to polite society.

Mental characteristics


Orleana is a skilled wizard and loremaster, particularly in the minutiae of the Heart and how the Heart interacts with the flow of magical energies.

Personality Characteristics


Securing the future of the Empire is her primary concern. The fates of the individual Great Houses and individual Emperors are of little matter, it is the Empire that must continue.


Social Aptitude

Orleana is a past master of unspoken pressure and body language.  She has ensnared many less thoughtful opponents with unspoken implication only to then take advantage of their assumptions.


Orleana's speech is in a very formal, somewhat archaic style of the Ilkani tongue used two millennia ago.  Her persistent presence in court has meant that while periodically considered somewhat out of style, her mode of speaking always eventually returns to fashion.

Wealth & Financial state

Orleana can draw on the immense resources of the Conservatory at need.  Forgotten to most is that she is also Baroness Stoneveil, and collects the rents from that barony.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Baroness Stoneveil
documented as 2,891 years. Occasionally there are hints that she is in fact much older.
Current Residence
The Imperial Palace
Polychromatic, left is purple, right is yellow
Orleana maintains her long hair in an array of layered colors, the primary of which reflects the current Imperial house (red). Political watchers view her current hair coloration and style as indicia of the state of the Empire
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 6"
173 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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