Húrénaki (Lake People) Ethnicity in Crélohi | World Anvil
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Húrénaki (Lake People)

Húrénaki (hoo-REHN-ah-kee) Language: Húrénakin: hoo-REHN-ah-ken (Meaning: Lake People. Origin: Chinese (Hú, Rén)) Colors: Black (Water, Sadness, Disasters, Destruction) Blue (Wood, Spring, Advancement)   Occupying the tall mountains and deep valleys of lake country in Northern Akọni just south of the Segūegandé that divides Eshana and Akọni, the Húrénaki are known for building not only around lakes but across them in "floating" cities. They're also known for having accepted organized crime (thieves and assassins) in recognized guilds that are legally responsible for not only their own people but for punishing anyone who commits crimes within their purview, thus policing themselves. They're among the first to build official airdocks for airship trade.


Major language groups and dialects

Húrénakin: (hoo-REHN-ah-ken) (Meaning: Lake People. Origin: Chinese (Hú, Rén))

Average technological level

Pottery, Calligraphy, Tiered gardens, Rock gardens, Woodwind instruments, Watercolor paint, Colored inks, and pigments, Watermills and water purifiers, Bladeless wind turbines (play a kind of wind music), Solar panel fabric, Servo-bots (After 520AP), Airdocks

Common Etiquette rules

When meeting someone for the first time in a planned setting, make sure to bring a small gift with you as a token of friendship. Take your shoes when entering a person's home. Always address the eldest or most senior person first.

Common Dress code

Tunics are wrapped left over right, typically tied with a cloth belt. Clothing is typically loose and practical, though it may be colorful, and patterned with embroidery or colored dyes.

Art & Architecture

Art: Paintings and murals, watercolor and ink paintings, some statues and mosaics. All art has a soft look with subtle blending. Batik is very popular.   Architecture: Tiled Pagoda or upturned roofs, Bamboo and wood timberwork, stone carving, rammed earth construction, bucket arch building, clay tiles, they often build into stone mountains and over water.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Babies are dressed in red to ward off disasters and bless the baby’s safety, good health, and longevity. A Naming ceremony, where several names are chosen in the hope the names will influence their life.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Before the body is placed inside the casket, it is cleaned and dusted with talc. Then the body is dressed in the deceased’s best clothing, and all of the other clothing is burned. The family mourns for 100 days.

Common Taboos

Don’t offer a firm handshake. Handshakes tend to be softer, and a firm handshake could be misconstrued as a sign of aggression. Don’t interrupt or try to talk over senior people. Don’t carry out public displays of affection. They generally frown upon excessive public displays of affection. However, a hug with someone you know well is fine. Don’t react negatively when asked personal questions regarding marital status, family, age, job or even income. This is done out of polite curiosity and serves as small talk.

Common Myths and Legends

(Dusk & Justice: Mù & Yì, Fate/Luck: Mìngyùn, Debts: Zhàiwù, Keys: Jiàn)


Beauty Ideals

Straight hair, A soft, natural look, Colorful patterned clothing.

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