Dragonslayer Character in Crisol | World Anvil
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Enlightened Khan (a.k.a. The Dragonslayer)

The only successful Dragon Hunter of The Enlightened Empire to date and only survivor of her party. Now rules the only town the Empire has managed to take from the Drakhanates as Enlightened Khan and trains every aspiring dragon hunter sent her way, after fruitlessly attempting to convince them of considering any other goal in life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Missing an arm and scarred everywhere, what's left of her body is kept extremely fit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being born in the one of the Khanates shortly after the The Enlightened Empire took over by conquest, she grew up knowing hardship while witnessing those neighboring khans who sold to the Empire live in luxury and the Drakhanates prosper beyond all of them by virtue of those who didn't fit in the Enlightened model but had the means to move.   Her conclusion wasn't unique: to try to fit in within the Empire until she had the means to leave it behind. During times of Expansion one of the clearer paths was to join the armed forces. A few years in, a different opportunity presented itself, a very dangerous proposition but one with much greater margin. As the Empire grew jealous of the Drakhanates a reward was set, not too different from one that existed during the takeover of the Khanates, but with a more ambitious target. Those who managed to slay one of the Drakhans and pledge allegiance to the Empire would rule the land taken, under imperial law, and keep all riches hoarded by the @Dragon, while paying due taxes, of course.   Even the army was happy to give leave and support to any who claimed seeking the bounty. Other desperate souls of skill were easy enough to find and they agreed to share the loot and government of a province. For years they trained, found investors, built equipment and planned until one day they considered they were ready to take on a Dragon. They decided to target the smallest Drakhanate and the Dragon they considered easiest to take.   Clearly their plan didn't survive contact with a real dragon. Despite the surprise attack and the heavy artillery, the dragon hunters gathered, her friends, fell quickly, but with quick thinking and sacrifice they slew the dragon. Only one of the Dragon Hunters managed to survive and claim the reward.   The Enlightened Empire kept its part of the bargain. The deal was more valuable than a single province. The Dragonslayer was celebrated and paraded, living proof that the dragons could be defeated by mere mortals. And that profit could be made by doing it in the name of the Enlightened.


Not much formal education in her youth, since the Enlightened system was still being implemented in the newly conquered territories as she was growing up. But some Imperial Citizens cared enough to transmit some basic literacy to the local children.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The only successful Dragon Hunter to date.

Mental Trauma

Seeing all her friend die gruesome death at the hands of a dragon and being the only survivor.

Personality Characteristics


Having achieved her lifelong goal of defeating a dragon and being rewarded with fame, fortune and power; she intends to live the rest of her days trying to enjoy the rewards and remembering her fallen friends.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

An expert on guerrilla warfare and deadly tricks. Used to excel with the arbalest and polearms, when she still had both arms.

Wealth & Financial state

Claimed the dragon's hoard, the reward from the The Enlightened Empire and the rule and profits from the town the dragon used to protect.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Enlightened Khan
Dark brown
Black, patchy and interrupted by burn scars.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"So you are here for me to teach you how to be a dragon hunter. Well, as the only one alive and successful, the best advice I can give you is this: don't. But since you are here I suppose you have been told the same by people far more important to you than myself and you have been stupid enough to ignore them. So I might as well teach you what I can before you go get roasted."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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Feb 14, 2021 19:46 by Michael Chandra

Nice accessories, love the banner. Sentences running on a bit.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Feb 23, 2021 12:37

Thank you!   Yes, tends to happen to me with the sentences. Working on it. XD