Brujah Species in Crescent City By Night | World Anvil


The dream of the learned clan is a world where all injustice has been eliminated and the living and the undead can coexist in peace. They say it is for love of the mortals that they lead them against their masters. In truth, they may simply rage against a distant or non-existent God they can never fight, against a curse they can never end. Theirs is a dream that poisons everything it touches. As they infiltrate or instigate revolutions, their hunger and passion ensure that blood will flow, innocents die, and peace never be attained.   Who are the Brujah? Clan Brujah have always Embraced from the ranks of those sympathetic to counterculture and revolution. They seek out allies who question normative ideas, and recognizing the fire of the oppressed, they gravitate toward the underdog.   Common perception place punks, gang-members, maladjusted immigrants rejected by the society that should protect them, and placard-carrying and Molotov wielding rioters among the Brujah. While the clan definitely includes substantial numbers of vocal and visible outsiders, their desire for rebellion reaches as deep as the fraudster ripping off his own company, the lawyer representing the poor pro bono, the neo-Nazi claiming to be “alt-right,” and the basement-dweller downloading thousands of movies illegally for redistribution on streaming sites. Fledglings Embraced to fight and protest are commonly known as rabble.   The Brujah can be passionate fighters but also critical thinkers; the clan activists are often very different from the clan theorists. On many occasions, the latter are Embraced from former gender studies or sociology students, those who have survived near-death experiences, and people who have in other ways suffered and endured great personal loss. The philosophical Brujah, known as Hellenes, believe the best method of dismantling the establishment is to understand the social and cultural systems that allow it to exist in the first place.   Clan Disciplines:   1. Celerity: Brujah use Celerity to strike fast and escape uprisings they have started. They hunt with it to snatch vessels from the streets, feeding from them savagely, or to rapidly dispose of a mortal before vanishing into the night.   2. Potence:   Brujah use Potence as a devastating weapon, cutting short any confrontation with destructive finality. Though the clan preaches a connection to humanity, its members often take what they want by force, as it is simpler to hold a kine in place or crack their skull open and drink its insides than to negotiate for a mouthful of blood.   3. Presence: Brujah use Presence to win the hearts of the crowd, turn a threatening mob against itself, or send a dangerous opponent fleeing into the night. Brujah intellectuals prefer feeding with Presence to convince vessels to give up their blood voluntarily. Other clan members use Presence to terrify their prey, as it apparently adds “an exquisite, bold taste” and fuels the less subtle powers of their curse.     Clan Bane: The Blood of the Brujah simmers with barely contained rage, exploding at the slightest provocation. Subtract dice equal to the Bane Severity of the Brujah from any roll to resist fury frenzy. This cannot take the pool below one die

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