Warmaster of the Prince Rank/Title in Creation | World Anvil

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Warmaster of the Prince

Before understanding the Warmaster you must understand the one who currently bears the title, for not all Warmasters are the same as not all vampires are sired equal.  

Illmahgo Reinear

  Illmagho is a Kindred Vampire of Vecna, sired into Clan Ventrue, chose to join the Invictus Covenant, a Family Elder. He heads the Invictus of Ptolus and the Invictus Domain from Foundation Manor within Oldtown Ward. The mantle of Warmaster rests strategically among a long list of Illmahgo's titles. Some say Illmahgo leans to far into his Invictus Covenant while others wonder why Andre leads the Invctus instead of Illmahgo, both sides say this very quiety.
His Grace, the Alder Duke Sir Illmahgo Reinear FE of Ptolus
  Marquis of the City of Night
Baron Lord of the Invictus
  Warmaster of Ptolus
Judex of Ptolus
Notary of Ptolus
Knight of the Order of Thorns
Honored Family Elder of Clan Ventrue
  of the Ventrue Antediluvian
Benatus the Warlord

Blood of Vecna
Best time to attack an Invictus is while they are reciting their titles.
— Forgotten vampire in torpor

Rise of the Warmaster

  Illmahgo Reinear was not appointed as is tradition but claimed the mantle of Warmaster during the first gathering of the Blood Halls by the Council of Elders. He was supported by Andre of his own clan Ventrue and Morlayne of clan Gangrel. Kaimur of clan Nosferatu strongly opposed him. Blaise of Clan Daeva and Ruiz of Clan Mekhet held back until leveraged to decide. While not a council member and of Clan Daeva not Ventrue, Malachi stood quietly in support of Illmahgo.
... By the Blood of Vecna and the Book of Night I claim the mantle of Warmaster. And with that mantle I will stand as an equal vote to the members of the Council of Elders ...   ... This is a war we fight, and wars are not directed by five generals they are directed by one general. As Warmaster I claim the Sheriff and the Chosen as my army ...   ... As is your right honored Elder, however I will challenge anyone you appoint. And since you may not hold the position while occupying a seat within the Circle of Elders, I am confident that I will overcome should there be any opposition ...  
  The full thread of Rise of the Warmaster may be read here at the first Blood Halls Gathering.  

Who does the Warmaster lead?

  Who a Warmaster leads is never the same each time as the Warmasters appointment and purpose are different. They have one goal, to win a war or task assigned to them by a Vampire Prince. Ussualy the prince declare who will report to the Warmaster and the Warmaster may request additional resources from the prince.
  When Illmahgo claimed the mantle of Warmaster he declared his "Army" to be the Sheriff and the Chosen of Vecna. With the Sheriff will come any hounds that are selected as the vampire presence grows. Some will whisper in the days after that he selected too few while others will point out that his selection crosses both clan lines and domain lines throughout the entire city.

What is a Warmaster?

  This Warmaster, is responsible for the direction and vampiric efforts of The Shadow War within Ptolus City. Specifically he monitors the Chosen's plans infiltrating the city and providing support or additional direction as needed. He also monitors the Sheriff attending to situations within the city.    

The Shadow of Consequences

  Illmahgo as Warmaster does not take failure or the failure of his reports lightly. This has created friction between himself and the Nosferatu Chosen Josiah DeUnBlooded, which has continued to spill forth between Illmahgo and the Nosferatu Elder Kaimur.   Illmahgo devised a plan deploying the Chosen and Josiah to give the City Watch a win and ease the heat off of the Masquerade from the aggressive arrival of the Nosferatu's in the city.     This tension and continued friction finally came to a head during a Chosen Meeting at Foundation manner. During this meeting Illmahgo stripped Josiah of his Chosen Title, defanged him and staked him into torpor.  
  Josiah's eyes darken to crimson points of rage with veins of black shadow as the Beast washes over him. The chair creaks and shatters as Josiah forces himself up to standing. Before the pieces of the chair hit the floor Illmahgo's boot shattered Josiah's foot and he shoulders him to the floor flat on his back. Illmahgo snatches a splintered chair leg out of mid air and drives it deep into Josiahs chest impaling him through the heart. Illmahgo's movements are fueled by Celerity, Physical Intensity and Vigor as you can smell the old blood surging through his body. As Josiahs body goes still a single blood tear runs from Illmahgo's left eye. He reaches down with his pliers and extracts Josiah's fangs with a bone breaking snap. He places the fangs in the red silk cloth and folds them. He places the cloth and pliers back in the box closing the lid.  


  In an early meeting with Chosen as well as a one-on-one meeting with Galre the Sheriff Illmahgo worked through feedback from all and provided additional input to discuss a list of key elements of importance to the Shadow War. Illmahgo will also communicate this list to the Council of Elders and accept any additional feedback they provide.  
  As Illmahgo folds his hands in front of him flat on the table he considers each of you. What are your goals? What are your goals really? I would like each of you to tell me the top five things that should be accomplished by the Chosen leading the Shadow War. This should be specific for your clan and domain of the city. Keep in mind I have my list and I am attempting to see how your goals and efforts align with mine. There are of course several possible outcomes in this discussion.
  • You mention five items that are on my list, this tells me that you are fairly well aligned with my goals and that you have your eye on Vecna's prize.
  • None of the five things you mention are on my list and I think we should add some and I will revise my list. This tells me that you have your eye on Vecna's prize while thinking outside of the box, however we may need to spend some time together.
  • None of the five things you mention are on my list and I do not feel they should be added. This would give me pause as we are not aligned and working in the opposite direction.
  • Somewhere in between.

  •   Illmahgo pauses as if considering. First lesson, choose your words carefully, as if they have weight, as if they are dangerous, as if they are weapons.  

    First Priorities

    Maintain the masquerade, the Tenets & Traditions of Vecna.
    Establish and maintain one or more individual havens and sanctums for clan and covenant.
    Establish the Domains as assigned by the Council of Elders while increasing our influence to match the claimed area.
    Select, establish and maintain Cacophony Whispers throughout the city.  

    Secondary Priorities

    This section was general brainstorming of what types of contacts and organizations to focus on allows us to grow our influence, information and control within the city.
  • Contacts & Gathering Intel
  • Allies or Assets of Influence
  • Thieves Guilds
  • Nobles
  • Merchants
  • Guards
  • Cautionary Items

    Sons of Fore-Ever Years
    This refers to Elder Morlayne's request to capture a small selection of elves for him. Keeping in mind the Masquerade this should be done as the opportunity arises and with caution.
    Down Shadow
    A dangerous place with many mysteries yet to reveal. We do not yet understand even a portion of how Down Shadow works and who is really in control. We need more information but tread with care.
    Be mindful of Horava or vampires of this world. As we have already encountered the Olakai Vampire Family located at the Morana Merchant House. They had no knowledge of our ways and the elders have not yet decided how this situation will play out.
    Temples of Light
    Avoid interaction with temples and priests of the light. The success of the Shadow War depends on upholding the Masquerade for as long as possible. Deeper discussion regarding Lothian and their Edicts has explored.
    Similar and possibly tangled with Temples of the Light, be mindful of hunters that specialize in the destruction of our kind or creatures of the night.
    Creatures of the Night
    Access carefully what Creatures of the Night this world has too offer and if they be obstacles to remove, assets to directs at our enemies or tools to be used elsewise.


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    Aug 2, 2023 19:37 by Gabrielle Decker

    Love this. Love your styling so much. I can't help but wonder, though... Orchestrating the Shadow War is all well and good, but can the Warmaster handle the complexity of assembling an IKEA coffin?

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