Vitae-Touched Tome of Memories Item in Creation | World Anvil

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Vitae-Touched Tome of Memories

You can see a large-format book volume, about two feet long, one foot and 10 inches wide, and a hand’s breadth thick. The cover comprises black petrified wood, set with crystals in blue, yellow gold and blood red. The creator carefully arranged the crystals in the shape of a crown surrounded by roses. Around the centre of the book ribbon is a soft, polished black leather strap engraved with rose vines. A finely chiselled silver buckle holds it.

Elegant, carefully crafted calligraphy fills the individual pages from flawless, white parchment. The ink is pitch black, the first letter of each story decorated with gold leaf, vitae and crystal dust. Each story has a vivid drawing, coloured with diluted inks in different colours.


The tome contains a collection of oaths, poems, stories, and accounts from the past. The author has decorated each page with a delicate frame of vines and roses, painted in colourful ink.

First Chapter & Timeline

The first chapter comprises a single page. In the center of that page, an oath is written. It is an accurate transcription of the oath used by Illmahgo when he first entered the service of Benatus. The paintings that surround that oath reveal their genuine message only on closer inspection. Hidden within the line art, there are words that state phrases like “loyalty”, “honour”, “courage” or “friendship

Following the first chapter, there is a detailed timeline, beginning on the day of Illmahgo’s birth. The timeline follows every step and event of his mortal life, ending with the night of his embrace and a statement of his bloodline and clan.

Stories of Great Warriors

The next chapters contain stories that don’t seem related to Illmahgo on first sight. These are the stories of his mentor, other skilled warriors of his time. Those he met as a mortal. Some of these are legends, like they have been told for centuries. Others are stories that were forgotten for a long time. There are stories that seem to brush over his mortal life, and others that don’t seem to touch his life at all.

The author seems to have these stories rewritten, to match her own style of storytelling. The images that illustrate these stories seem vivid, as if the warriors shown would jump from their pages at the very next moment, to talk to the observer.


Following the stories of others are stories of Illmahgo. The same author wrote them in the same style as the previous stories. The incredibly detailed writing follows all loops and twists of his mortal life and his deeds. These stories make his battles vivid again, show what he has done, honour his sacrifices and his deeds. They show the mortal that once was, and that became the Kindred, that is today.

This part ends with his embrace, his death. The last words in these chapters are a statement of his bloodline.

I was Illmahgo Reinear, Warrior in service of Benatus.

I am Illmahgo Reinear,
3rd of the Ventrue Antediluvian Benatus, the Warlord
Blood of Vecna.


The very last page of this book contains a message, completely written in Vitae. When touched by the Gifts of Vecna, these words deliver powerful feelings of love, dedication and deep respect.

“So that you never forget.
So you know I will always remember.”

Creation Date
Year 720 of the Imperial Age
Current Location
Current Holder
2' x 1'10" x 5"

Amazing Quality (2)
Durable (2)
Vitae Touched


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