Wood Elf (Ceralnesti) Species in Creacia | World Anvil

Wood Elf (Ceralnesti)


Although Wood Elves are tall, slender, and unnaturally graceful in their movements, their inhuman agility is coupled with a strength surprising for their lithe limbs. Their features are closer to human than any other Elf, but still more angular with thinner noses, wider eyes, narrow chins, and, of course, pointed ears. Wood Elves' lustrous, ever-thick hair ranges from light blonde to auburn to jet black, and is either wavy or straight; their eyes are either green or hazel; and their skin varies from pale beige to bronze. They generally prefer light, flexible clothing and armor in forest colors and gold.


The Great Forest of Daenor, the   Aedyrith is the traditional, ancestral home of the Wood Elves, with Ceraldrien as their capitol. However, the Ceralnesti range far and wide, inhabiting woodlands and ancient cities, such as Talnuin in Feldroth Forest or scattered throughout the Endless Forest in the far East. They prefer the glades, meadows, lakes and vales of temperate forestlands, where they carve wood and stone to create elegant, curving architecture that blends seamlessly with nature.


See Daenor


Aristocracy, Meritocracy


Aeonesti (Common Elven), Ceralnesti (Wood Elven), Centerlands Common - Eovoresh, Fey (25%).

Player Characters

  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution
  • Low light vision up to 120 feet
  • Traits as listed by Pathfinder
Elves (Aeonesti)
400-600 years, mature at about 80 years
Average Height
5-6.5 feet
Average Weight
70-160 lbs.
Lorelana Fal' terel, Ranger of Feldroth Forest
Cirran Sil' afel, Bladesinger of Ceraldrien


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