Afura Settlement in Corua | World Anvil
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Afura is a town hidden in the Spikes mountain range, in Mount Afura. It is a simple mining colony that replies on the usefulness of the minerals they mine and trade with the North Ice kingdoms. The people are strong and are used to the rough environment of Mount Afura. Most people do not know it even exists.


Most of the population is human (around 87.4%). The non-human species living here are Montunians. The comfort level of people's houses depend on how much you work. If one does a lot of good work for society, they get good food and can get a good house. The wealthiest live comfortably. But if you stop working, you will eventually end up at the bottom. Montunians live nearest to the peak of Mount Afura, as they are used to the cold climate. The humans live lower down, and the most hard-working can choose whatever location is comfortable. These humans are used the cold climate.


Afura is a democracy. People choose, the government does. The government is a group of well-respected elders and citizens, human and montunian.  The most important law is- You should not consume anything that may lead to an early demise.  The people are tight-knit and can't afford to lose people.


The mountain itself is it's safety. The sheer size of it stops even the largest armies. The blizzards and storms prevent anyone from seeing Mount Afura. Even so, people's houses are hidden inside, their doors easily hidden and walkways can be pulled back against the mountain. They are a mostly peaceful society and rely on the North Ice kingdom to supply reinforcements (reinforcements arrive within a couple hours). Their useful mines are the reason the North Ice helps them survive.  They also have some defences set up against the mountain incase things so south fast.

Industry & Trade

The Afurans have five main jobs:
  • Mining
  • Engineering
  • Teaching
  • Medical
  • Food gathering/preparing
The Miners mine in one of the few mines set up. They have to start late in the morning and work till mid-afternoon, then take a break, then go back to work till evening. Most of them are Montunians.   The Engineers work for a shorter span of time, but their work is more complicated. They have to figure out technological ways to improve their living and work on repairs and rounds to check if everything is okay. They have to make sure the defenses and alarms are rigged properly.   The Teachers have to simply educate children on different essential subjects. They don't go deep into unnecessary things and show kids how to work around Afura.   The Medics have one of the hardest jobs. They have to be ready to work in the middle of the night and have to study medical science carefully. The colony usually gets sent new medics every three months (they rotate).   The people working in the Food Department are split into two divisions: the gatherers and the preparers. The gatherers grow some plants and raise animals and gather meat and veg. The plants have a hard time growing and they need a new batch sent every month or two. The preparers cook food for the people. Almost everyone knows how to cook and some people have gatherers send food to their cabin if they are unable to come to the dinner hall.   Many of the things they prepare get exported to the North Ice and they import medical supplies and food and, most importantly, shee metal.


They have built multiple cabins (houses built into the mountain, only their doors are visible) and multiple retractable walkways leading to outposts. Their entire community is indoors. The entire mountain was fairly hollowed out by the Montunians so it was easy enough to build, with playgrounds and schools and hospitals.


They have fairly high-tech defenses in place, along with retractable walkways and are manufacturing weapons from different materials for the North Ice. They are also working on creating reinforced stone.  They also store a stash of shee metal to use for repairs and building new buildings.  They mine all sorts of minerals, including iron, Afuran gold.

Guilds and Factions

There are no divisions in Afura. Everyone is close and are friends with eachother (mostly).


The mountain was founded by a group of North Ice scouts hundreds of years back. Then, people and their families were assigned to the Afura colony. Then, more people started to move in and settled there, working hard. They already had friendly relations with the Montunians so they were welcomed fairly warmly (however warm it can get). People travelled through Ician Spikes Vehicles (ISVs), special vehicles designed for travel in the Spikes mountain range (they were kept secret). The Afura Colony was kept secret to protect it from raiders or invaders. It has been intact and safe since. After more than a few years (1465 AGC), a few unknown people investigated around the mountain, but they were quickly directed away from the mountain by a patrol. Thankfully, the people engaged Hidden Protocol and were undetected by the investigators.   After that, everything has been peaceful enough and people live happily. Their trade relations are still strong and they survive.


Most people in Corua don't even know Afura exists. No visitors arrive except for North Ice people looking for permanent shelter


The people here use a special material called 'Shee Metal' which can withstand extreme cold. It is found in the Sheefar region of North Ice. It is one of the most important imports in Afura. They made straightforward buildings which are efficient and well-hidden and make many contraptions to better hide their settlement. Some people may describe their style as 'futuristic'. There are not many decorations and the colour palet is usually grey and white.


The settlement is located in Mount Afura, which is a hidden mountain deep in the Spikes mountain range very high north. The view is mainly obscured by mountains and snowstorms, but when the sky is clear on rare occasions, it is mesmerising. The people have access to the ice-cold and usually frozen lakes and rivers of the Spikes.

Natural Resources

Minerals and snow and stone.
Founding Date
1357 AGC
Outpost / Base

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