Historical and Present Events of Theydim in Corive | World Anvil

Historical and Present Events of Theydim

The History of Theydim is always complex - borders shift, alliances are made an broken. Theydim has also never been a fully unified region until the Thydian Unification War as led by Magnus the Red-Eyed. Most of "Theydim" is, when referenced in historical records, identified by cultural similarities and language.  

Prominent Historical Events


Saint Antral's Rebellion

Saint Antral is said to be an Adrakian Thydian who reinstated the Thydian gods while overthrowing the Adrakian Empire and their pantheon.   Her rebellion is believed to be the cultural source of the historical revolts found through the history of Theydim. Nobles in Theydim have power for as long as they can uphold their duties of defending their territory and governing fairly.

Finalized Collapse of the Adrakian Empire (Academic Estimate)

While the specific date is debatable, Theydim would not exist if the Empire had remained intact. In Theydim, the collapse is mostly credited to Antral's Rebellion and other rebellions within the Empire.

Thydian Unification Wars

While the Unification Wars were not the first of their kind, they were the most successful, and the unified Theydim the war resulted in has lasted longer than any previous attempt. The crowning of High King Magnus the Red-Eyed has brought about the Third Age - at least, by the Thydian calendar.

The Great War

Not long after Theydim was unified, Magnus the Red-Eyed attempted to expand Theydim into the Contested Lands by bringing ContestedLandArlingNameHere into Theydim. However, the war machines called the Forged had their Great Awakening and caused a social turmoil, bringing the war to a sudden pause. The war has not resumed.

Thydian Civil War

After over thirty years of unification, the sudden death of the High King has led to a Civil War when Tilde Magnusdotr was preparing to take up the title as her father's heir. However, Siegmund Kerlbror came forward claiming Magnus had made him heir on his deathbed. The claim was not witnessed, but the dispute over the claim has caused Theydim to divide into four civil war factions.

Further Reading

Gold Flood
Military Conflict | Apr 30, 2022

(deep)An event where counterfeit gold coins were crafted from a copper alloy and flooded the markets of cities with coin until gold currency was worthless. Lead to Brass being the primary metal of choice for coinage.

Great Awakening
Military Conflict | Mar 11, 2022

(core) The event that "ended" the Great War and instead brought the conflict to a standoff. The event is named for a mass event of Forged displaying sophant traits and the parallels to the historical stories of the Adrakians and the Life-Forged.

The Great War
Military Conflict | Aug 20, 2022

(core) The Great War was the most recent war where Theydim, the Five Cities, Goltheris, and Tormyra went to war over the Contested Lands at the same time, it came to a temporary ceasefire with the Great Awakening about fifteen years ago

The Unification of Theydim Treaty
Document | Mar 11, 2022

(deep) This treaty outlines the roles and responsibilities of Arlings to themselves and each other while defining the role of the Thydian government. It was ratified at the end of the Thydian unification Wars.

Thydian Civil War
Military Conflict | Mar 20, 2022

(core) The Civil War in Theydim over the future of the nation, and where old grudges rear their heads - Who is to be the next rightful High King? Will there be a High King? Will Theydim dissolve into independent and smaller nations?

Thydian Unification Wars
Military Conflict | Apr 11, 2022

(core) Magnus the Red Eyed's push to bring Theydim under one banner - his. This war concluded with the previously independent regions within the Theydim region (willingly or not) bowing to the newly crowned High King Magnus of Theydim.

Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Midjourney


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