Otepec Settlement in Coria Viridis | World Anvil
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Local Population 28055 Seasonal Population even up to 150 000 in a record year of finding a new ruins from before The Merge close to the town.   Province Tuchtihuat   Otepec is probably the oldest town in the province of Tuchitihuat. Discovered by anonymous adventurers in 867 AMD while traveling up the Una River, it probably existed many centuries before. The local population did not speak a common language. Oral communication was used and writing, if it existed, was done in pictorial. Anthropologists and Archeologists studying the history of this city have noticed that the oldest parts of the city could not be built on Coria Viridis due to the lack of suitable natural resources in this region of the country. Transport through the jungle even by the river was impossible for the original population of Otepec at the time of the discovery. There is a theory that Otepec is one of the 13 known cities transferred in whole or in elements from another dimension during The Merge Day. Situated in an ideal location in the deep jungle on both banks of the Una River, it has grown over the centuries to its present size. Due to its origin, it is the largest scientific center in the southern part of the country.  
Map of a town


The population of Otepec is divided into local and seasonal. The seasonal population, due to the still undiscovered history of the city, includes scientists, students, adventurers, traders as well as tourists eager for adventure. The local population consists mainly of Tabaxi who deal with trade Humans running services, hotels, taverns, Tlakah, Lizardfolks, and Avians who form the local military units, and Aracocra who deals mainly with lectures at the local university and administrative matters. Of course, this is a major simplification. One of the most famous Restaurants in Otepec is run by chef Half-orc or the greatest commander of the military unit in the history of a city was Tabaxi Tranquil Fang Fang from The Tumbling River Clan. In Otepec, as one of the few places in the Kingdom of Izcaritlanco, there is no noticeable division on Social classes. It is very rare, for example, to encounter here slaves. The only way to become a slave in Otepec is to break the law or to fall into debt. Both these cases, however, are subject to time limits. Once you work off your crimes or pay off your debts, you are free to return to your community and start a new life. Of course, the local religious authorities are not very happy about the lower social status than in other places in the country, but the financial aspect of the very prosperous city compensates them for all the disadvantages. The Temple of Tlaloc is one of the richest temples in the country.


The local government of the now reigning King Moyolehuani has been re-approved and has existed in a structurally unchanged state for at least 200 years. Thanks to the city's excavations and the University, the city has special privileges and rights. The administrators of the city are the Chief Rector of the University as the most prominent (current one is a Human, Ketloth Natlandem )and his advisors are the head of the local community elected by the people once every few years, the Commander-in-Chief of the local military unit, and the High Priest of the local Tlaloc Temple.   The only replaceable element of the Town Council is the Advisor for the local population. He/She is elected by the permanent residents of Otepec and can also be dismissed by them. The main reason for the dismissal or resignation of the residents' representative is illness or age. The last time more than 30 years ago, the Councillor has been removed from office by the population for defrauding the finances of a city. As a slave, he spent the next 15 years in infamy working off his debt. This position is very respected and taken very seriously by everyone. Otepec by its roots strengthened in the scientific environment of Coria Viridis by research stations, excavations, and the University, as well as by its special status as one of the 13 cities before The Merge Day is the most progressive city in the Kingdom.
Founding Date
before 867 AMD
Large town

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